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"oh hey y/n," she wiped her eyes as she whispered.

"sorry for waking you, we were a bit... tangled."

"no worries," she smiled.

we sat in silence for a minute, just looking into each other's eyes.

"do you want to go out to get breakfast?" she asked, breaking the silence, "everyone else seems to need a bit more sleep."

i looked around once more at all of the teenagers passed out around the room.

we both got up and got dressed and ready to head out to breakfast. we met at the door and sadie opened quietly and we both slipped out before she slowly closed it.

"so what do you remember from last night?" she asked once the door was closed.

"hey! i was gonna ask that! no fair," i whined.

"too late," she giggled.

"alright then, sadie," i rolled my eyes, "i remember our kiss in spin the bottle obviously. and then we danced a bit before going to sleep i guess."

"i'm glad you didn't black out. i was worried i'd have to explain the sapphic dancing session to you before finn did."

she was just as brave and upfront when she was sober as she was when she was drunk. i liked it, but it caught me off guard. the word "sapphic" almost made my heart beat out of my chest.

we reached the elevator and i pressed the button and as i retreated back away from the button to wait for the elevator to arrive, i accidentally bumped into her.

we both stumbled back a little laughing. once we steadied ourselves, i apologized between giggles, "i'm sorry."

"no problem," sadie laughed.


i woke up laying on the floor with a killer headache. i looked around to account for everyone. sadie and y/n were no where to be seen. i smirked. they probably snuck off to fuck.

i wiggled millie awake to show her my discovery.

"millie wake up," i whispered as i shook her shoulder.

"ugh, finn let me sleep."

"y/n and sadie aren't here," i knew this would get millie's attention and she immediately sat up and looked for everyone.

"do you think they're," she gulped, "you know?"

"you can say sex, it's not a bad word," i tried to hold back a laugh because she was such a prude.

"yeah, that," she whispered.

"duh, what else would they be doing?" i smirked, "i have an idea, you call sadie and i'll call y/n at the same time to catch them off guard."

millie looked around for her phone and found it on the coffee table and they retreated to the hall as to not wake their friends. they both separated slightly so the girls wouldn't hear that they were right next to each other.

"okay, call," finn said loudly enough for millie to hear down the hall.


my phone buzzed and i pulled it out of my bag to see what was going on.

"i guess they've woken up," i said to sadie as i showed her finn's name on my screen. as i looked up to her, she was getting a phone call too.

"i guess so," she showed me millie's caller id.

i walked away from the table at the restaurant slightly to not confuse my call with sadie's and answered the phone.

"hey finn, what's up?"

"oh, nothing, what's up with you?" he pointedly remarked.

"i'm getting breakfast, do you want anything," i was unamused and slightly confused.

"oh so that's what we are calling it now, and no you can have breakfast all to yourself," i was very confused now, until it hit me.

i shot my head in sadie's direction and she was looking at me the same way. i mean it did seem suspicious. everyone was going to think we fucked now. is that such a bad thing? yes, it is. everyone will feel like i'm intruding by corrupting their friend on the first night.

"y/n?" finn's voice brought me out of my train of thought.

i turned back around, "finn we didn't have sex. we literally slept in millie's hotel room last night. we just woke up early and slipped out to get breakfast."

"bullshit," finn scoffed into the phone.

"it's not, i swear it, i'd tell you if we did," i sighed, "here's what i will tell you. we woke up completely cuddling together, and she referred to our dancing last night as 'sapphic'."

"oh well that's something."

"do you believe me?"

"yeah, i guess, when will you be back?" finn seemed satisfied.

"maybe in a half hour," i looked at my phone's time, "are we in a rush?"

"no i just kinda miss you."

"that's cute," i teased, "i'll be back soon."

"bye, y/n!" finn said before hanging up.

i walked back over to the table. sadie was done with her phone call already. i looked at her and we both laughed. then, once i sat down, she grabbed my hand across the table. her fingers were warm and made me feel comfortable.

"hi," i simply said, probably blushing at this point.

"hey," sadie responded as our waiter brought our food over.

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