ℂ𝕙. 𝟜: ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕡𝕝𝕚𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤

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I was taken off guard by her response. What did she mean by that? My curiosity was brimming and I was eager to find out. But I knew that I shouldn't press them further until they get more comfortable with me.

We went to a cafe which was pretty close to the school. We all ordered our drinks and sat down at a table.

"So tell me more about you guys. What do you love to do?" I asked looking at both Hwasa and Wheein.

"I love fashion and makeup. I wanna become a makeup artist in the future." Hwasa said before taking a sip from her drink.

"Oohh, if we ever happen to go to a party together I'm definitely asking you to do my makeup." I said excitedly.

"Sure! I'd love to do your makeup!" Hwasa exclaimed.

"And I love dancing a lot. My brother Hoseok is actually a dance choreographer for an idol group called TXT. He's the one who I got infir- I mean inspired from to start dancing. What about you Y/n? What is your dream?" Wheein said looking at me smilingly.

"I love taking pictures. Especially nature related pictures. I'm not sure if I want it as my future career. But we'll see." I replied.

"Can we see your pictures?" Wheein asked me.

"Of course. But I don't have my camera with me right now. But I promise I'll show you when I have it with me."

It was the next day. I decided to curl my hair for that day. As I was nearing the entrance of the school I saw Taehyung waving at me from the other direction. I waved back at him.

When we were finally in front of each other he gave me his boxy smile and said "You look so beautiful today, Y/n."

I blushed at his words. "Thank you Taehyung. You're looking really handsome as well."

Wait........I blushed. I FREAKING BLUSHED. And then I noticed how close we actually were to each other. It was getting a bit awkward so I decided to talk.

"We should probably start heading inside, right?"

Taehyung nodded and we walked inside together.

School was finally over. After I put my books in my locker. I started heading towards the rooftop.

I don't know why, but I really felt like getting to know.......what was his name again......oh right Jungkook.

Jungkook. I thought to myself. Even his name is attractive. Gosh Y/n what are you thinking!

Once I was on the rooftop I peeked behind the wall. He was there with the same exact posture looking at me the same way. His eyes looked so dreamy.

"Were you waiting for me?" I asked smirking at him.

"Why would I wait for you?" He scoffed.

"Yesterday I told you my name but you didn't tell me yours."

"You already know it from Hwasa and Wheein. So why bother." He said while shrugging.

He knows!? How? Did the girls tell him?

"Did they tell you that?" I voiced out my thoughts.

He sighed. "I just know."

So mysterious.

He went towards the railing. He was looking at the view of the school garden.

I stood beside him and looked at the garden. "Woah! You guys have a garden in the school property!" I said widening my eyes.

"You haven't seen it yet?" I could see Jungkook smiling from the corner of my eyes.

"Usually you'd see the couples of the school kissing and making out here and there inside the garden. So I suggest you don't go there without a date or something" Jungkook informed me.

"I don't care about kissing couples. I'll go to check it out anyway." I rolled my eyes.

I heard Jungkook chuckle. "Don't forget I warned you."

𝙸 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝙳 𝚈𝙾𝚄 ✮𝙹.𝙹𝙺✮ ✔Where stories live. Discover now