ℂ𝕙. 𝟙𝟜: 𝔻𝕒𝕕!?

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I really tried to picture him as a killer. But I couldn't.

"Jimin probably just thinks that because he saw Jungkook beating Taehyung up." I said to myself.

As school was over along with my daily meeting time with Jungkook, it was time for me to head home.

There were still some cops around the school just to question and investigate everything more. When I was passing by the cops, they were all looking at me weirdly. I thought I had something on my face. But their stares were a bit too weird. I just shrugged if off and went home.

"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted after unlocking the door and entering the house. Mom usually responds but this time she didn't.

"Mom, are you home?" I walked to the living room and then to the kitchen to look for her. But there wasn't anyone.

"I guess she went out somewhere." I said to myself as I made my way upstairs to my room.

I freshened up and changed into a tshirt and jeans.

I went back downstairs to look for my mom again but she still didn't come back home. So I decided to call her.


"Hey mom. I came back home from school. But where are you?"

"Oh I'm so sorry sweetie. I got an urgent call from work so I had to run back here. I'll be late home tonight. You can order a pizza for dinner tonight. Again I'm really

"It's fine, mom. Take care. Bye."


Bye sweetie. Stay safe."

I hung up the call. I didn't wanna order a pizza because I wasn't hungry. So I decided to just eat some snacks for dinner.

I went to the kitchen to get a snack. As I was passing by the kitchen counter, I noticed a file on it.

I thought it was related to my mom's work. But my eyes went wide as soon as I read the cover.

It said "Kim Taehyung" on the file.

That's when I couldn't stop my curiosity anymore and decided to open it.

I tried to think why would my mom have his file? How does she even know him?

But I got even more surprised after starting to read it a bit because I figured it was a file on the murder investigation of Kim Taehyung.

I knew that I shouldn't be reading this file but I had to figure out why my mom had that file.

It said the location and estimated time of death.

It also said that the murder weapon was unidentified but it was something sharp and had the shape of the teeth of an animal.

Teeth of an animal? What animal? Dogs? Tigers? Snakes?

You shrugged it off and flipped the page over. You didn't see anything else that interested you much.

But when you were on the last page your eyes caught on something.


It can't be.

You kept reading the paragraph over and over again to confirm what you're seeing is right.

But that's impossible.

You read it out loud again. "The fingerprints and method of murder found on Kim Taehyung is similar to what was found during the investigation of the murder of Choi Sunbin from four years ago in the city of Daegu in Korea. So it is concluded that the murderer of Kim Taehyung and the murderer of Choi Sunbin is most likely the same person."

Choi Sunbin. That's the name of my........


Suddenly I hear someone call my name. I turned around to see it's mom.

A loud gasp escaped her lips after seeing my face full of tears and my eyes red.


"Don't you dare call me that." I said angrily wiping my tears.

"What did you lie to me about my dad's death? Why did you tell me IT WAS JUST A SIMPLE ACCIDENT!? Why didn't you tell me he was murdered!?" I was shouting and my face was turning red.

"Y/n, please, just calm down my daughter and let me explain." She said calmly.

I scoffed at her.

"Calm! CALM!? How do you expect me to be calm!?"

"Sweetie, I did it for your own safety."

"Safety my ass. I HATE YOU, MOM."

I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of the house. I could hear my mom calling me from behind but I didn't care.

𝙸 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝙳 𝚈𝙾𝚄 ✮𝙹.𝙹𝙺✮ ✔Where stories live. Discover now