ℂ𝕙. 𝟚𝟟: 𝕀𝕗 𝕆𝕟𝕝𝕪...

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I tried to yank my arms and legs away from their hold but I couldn't. I felt the second kick in my stomach and I stopped moving instantly. It was like my whole body was paralysed. I knew I won't be able to get out of here if someone doesn't help me. But no one is gonna hear anything, right?

But then a thought crossed my mind.

Jungkook is not just anyone. He's not even a human. He has his super awesome hearing ability.

If I scream, will he hear me?

Even though I had been already screaming a lot, it was worth a shot.

Then I inhaled in all the breath that my lungs could hold. But that was a bit hard to do with my weakning form.

I held my breath for one second and then...

It was a bloodcurling scream. I screamed for as long as I could until Jennie started squeezing my throat to stop me.

I already had trouble breathing because of the scream and all the struggling. Within a second, I felt like my whole world was collapsing. All my senses were giving up on me. I understood trying to struggle will make me lose more energy. So I stopped moving at all. But Jennie's grip on my throat only seemed to get tighter.

And then I felt it. The familiar but unknown feeling.

That tingling feeling that I've felt at least once before.

The feeling I had felt before I fainted in Jungkook's arms back at the alleway 6 months ago after he freed me from Taehyung.

But what does this mean?

Does it mean I'm about to faint? Or...

Jungkook is near.....?

I tried to explain it to myself in my head. But before I could do so, a loud sound of the door slamming interrupted my thoughts. Within a moment, I couldn't feel anyone's grip on any part of my body anymore. My eyes were closed. But my body still had consciousness, along with that feeling.

Suddenly I felt another grip somewhere on my body. I tried to flinch away but those arms held me tighter. But not tight in a violent way.

I could also hear a soft voice. A voice calling my name. I wanted to respond and tell him I'm okay. But I only managed to make out a whimper. And that made him worry about me even more.

And after that I lost my consciousness.

I woke up with a really bad headache. My body was hurting from all the punches and kicks I got. I could feel myself bouncing on something.

I took in a breath and it smelled like honey. I was on my stomach laying on something soft while bouncing. I opened my eyes and saw some grey fur in front of me. I tried to sit up but fell back down. After I my head fell on his back, Jungkook came to a halt.

He turned back into his human form and layed me down on the soft wet grass.

"Hey, are you awake?" Jungkook's soft voice really made my physical pain go away.

"Yeah...I guess..." I said blinking my eyes to clear my vision.

Jungkook suddenly hovered on top of me. He used one of his hand to keep his body lifted over my injured one. His other hand wrapped around my back pulling me up to his chest. I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck while gripping his shirt.

"I was so worried about you. I should've went to look for you when I didn't see you anymore. I just thought you were probably hidden in the ground so I didn't pay much attention. I'm so sorry you got so hurt." I could feel the pain in his voice and it broke my heart.

"It's okay, Kookie. It's not your fault. Just take me home." I said in a quiet voice but loud enough for him to hear.

Jungkook picked me up and placed me on his back giving me a piggyback ride.

"You need to go to a hospital first." Jungkook started walking. I let out a loud sigh.

"I fainted right as you came in the room. What happened to the girls?" I asked curiously.

"I just shoved them away from you and then took you out of there. Don't worry. They won't hurt you anymore." Jungkook's voice was trembling with an emotion unfamiliar to me.

"Why would they not hurt me anymore? Did you threaten them?"

"Um.........kind of........" Jungkook seemed unsure of his answer. I just hummed and leaned my forehead against the back of his head inhaling in his scent.

𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

I entered the hospital room after the doctor said it's okay for me to go in. I watched as her whole body was wrapped in bandages. Those girls had hurt her really bad and I could feel myself getting angry at the thought.

I wanted to stay by her side and protect her always.

"Why would they not hurt me anymore? Did you threaten them?"

The question she asked me earlier was still lingering in my mind.

If only I could tell her the truth.

If only I could tell her what had happened to Jennie.

But I couldn't. Because I didn't want her in any kind of danger. Knowing what the truth could do to our bond scared me. I didn't wanna lose her.


𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

I was released from the hospital next morning and Jungkook had dropped me off at home. He had explained to my mom how some girls bullied me. I internally thanked Jungkook for not letting me confront my mom. She just let me go up to my room and rest. I was drinking hot chocolate that my mom had made for me and looking through news articles in my phone. Suddenly, one of the titles of an article caught my eyes.

"Local schoolgirl found dead at her best friend's bedroom along with all her friends badly beaten up and bruised"

And then when I saw the picture below of the victims, my heart stopped.

I read the caption of the picture "The girl on the furthest right is the one found dead and the other three were found injured at the scene

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I read the caption of the picture "The girl on the furthest right is the one found dead and the other three were found injured at the scene."

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