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For the past few hours Minho was doing his homework. It was now late at night and his stomach began to growl. After he finished with his homework he went to the kitchen to make himself some ramen since he didn't know how to cook other than simple foods.

He finished making his ramen noodles and sat down at the table as he scrolled on his phone.

While he was eating his uncle was up watching tv. He got from the couch and went to the fridge, he looked around in the fridge and didn't see anymore beer. He slammed the fridge door which caught Minho's attention.

"Where did all the beer go?!" His uncle growled as he was out of what he wanted.

"You drank it all." Minho responded as he put his empty bowl in the sink.

"Then to buy me some more before I get more cranky kid!" His uncle demanded.

"You used the last of the money to pay the rent and I'm under age either way." Minho was kinda used to his uncle yelling all the time which didn't faze him.

"Getting beer wasn't a problem for you when you lived back at home. Now go get me some!" He knew a lot of Minho's past since his parents told him almost everything they knew.

"Well I'm not that person anymore, I'm not going to steal anything anymore. Find a way to get your own beer." Minho rolled his eyes as he was about to head to his room.

"I told you do something now do it! You live under my roof, you do what I say!" He grabbed Minho by the wrist and turned him so he was facing his uncle.

"You want me to go steal so you can have your beer?! No!" Minho didn't want to go back to his old ways not even if it was one more time.

"Don't tell me no! I don't care how you get it just go get me some you ungrateful brat!" He pushes Minho towards the front door but he wouldn't leave.

"I'm not going." He knew his uncle was not going to take no for an answer.

"You know I put a damn roof over your head so you don't have to live with my idiot of a brother! Now do what I say!" His uncle grabbed a nearby empty beer bottle and threw it at the wall right by Minho. Minho didn't know if the bottle was purposely being thrown at him or only to scare him.

The bottle shattered from the impact and a few glass shards scraped Minho's cheek leaving a cut that began to bleed.

"Your psycho!" Minho shouted as he stormed out of the house slamming the door behind him.

He let out a deep breath trying to calm himself down. He didn't know where to go now since he didn't want to deal with his uncle until he was sober, yet he still wasn't the nicest person while sober either.

Minho then tried texting Jisung seeing if he was awake. It was pretty late on a school night so he figured he was probably asleep. He noticed his mom's car wasn't in their driveway signaling she was at work.

He decided on going to Jisung's bedroom window.

"I hope Jisung doesn't mind I'm just breaking into his house without knowing." Minho thought to himself as approached his window.

Since Minho hung out with the wrong crowd where he used to lives so he picked up a few things like knowing how to open a locked window without smashing it open.

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