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After working at the NYPD for the last 5 years, Y/N decided it was time to move on. As much as she liked working at the Nine-Nine with her colleagues, she just didn't feel like she fit in anymore. She would like to think she was friends with her co-workers, but it became clear to her over time that their friendship was one sided. Her colleagues would often share a laugh or a joke between themselves and forget that she was there. She knew they weren't doing it on purpose they just got so wrapped up in their conversation they were oblivious to their surroundings.

This morning when she arrived to work, she headed to Jake's desk to ask him about a case they were working on. Jake had smiled at her in a way that gave her butterflies as he handed her the file and they begun taking notes and going over new evidence. They were just going over the victimology when Jake made a joke which Amy soon responded to and within seconds they were having their own conversation, forgetting that Y/N was standing right beside them

She sighed and made her way back to her desk, opening the top draw and pulling out her transfer papers. She had been thinking about transferring for a while now, she already had it filled out and all she needed was the Captains signature. There were days when she felt so alone she had to leave early before she broke down and transferring felt like her only option. Then Jake or Charles would do something so small like bring her coffee and ask her for help and she would put it in back in her mind.

It seemed silly, wanting to transfer because she was feeling left out but spending her entire teenage years being forgotten about took it's toll and she couldn't help but feel like nobody actually wanted her there.

With one last glance to Jake and Amy, she stood with her files in hand and made her way to the Captain's office. She knocked on the door and waited until she heard a muffled 'come in' to enter.

"Sir I need you to sign these as soon as you can" She said as she handed the files over to him before moving to stand behind the chairs adjacent to the Captain.

Captain Holt skimmed over the files, his brows furrowing In confusion. "I don't understand, you're leaving?"

"yes sir, the FBI has offered me a position as a profiler and I think it would suit me better" She replied.

Captian holt nodded and stood up, walking over to the door. "And you're sure about this?"

"Yes sir"

"Very well, i will have them signed by tomorrow" He said as he opened the door and gestured for her to leave. She smiled thankfully at him before she walked out. On the way to her desk, she looked over at the squad and nodded to herself, telling that little voice inside her head she is making the right decision.

The next day when she arrived at work, the transfer files were sitting on her desk. She grinned and picked up the file, flicking through it to make sure that everything was done correctly. After she had finished all of her work, she decided she would take the files to her new workplace. She was so excited to start a new chapter of her life she didn't even notice Jake coming towards her until she bumped into him, sending the files to the ground.

" oh god, I'm sorry here let me help" Jake smiled sheepishly, bending down to pick up the files.

"No it's okay, uh I got it" Y/N rambled, bending down to pick the files up as well. She tried taking them before he noticed but it was too late, Jake had already picked up the transfer files and started reading them.

"Transfer files" Jake whispered so quietly Y/N almost missed it. He looked up at her with his brows furrowed, his lips set into a frown. "you're leaving?"

"yeah, theres not really reason why I just think I'll work better in a bigger task force" She smiled through the pang in her heart. Jake looked upset and she hated herself for making him that way but she focused on the little voice in her head, telling her that he didn't really care.

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