Accidental Meetings

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*third person POV*
Finally after a long time at war with homeworld and fighting corrupted gems, beach city was at peace... or so we thought.

Near the remnants of the old barn, a large ship that looked to have been tinted with green, smoked following as it descended from the clear blue sky.

Connie squinted as she looked up, "Hey, Steven? There's something in the air...", she said observing the 'thing' falling from the sky.

"Should we go check?", Her fellow jam bud asked.

"I think.", she replied still looking up, "I'll go get Lion!"

*time skip brought to you by laziness*

Stevo and Connie had reached the crash site and started investigating.

*Pidge's POV*

I started coughing. HARD. It's hard to see too...

"Hey are you ok?", A feminine voice asked,"and... who are you?"

A hand grabbed me and pulled me out. I could see the girl that had asked me if I was fine. She had dark brown wavy hair, tan skin like Lance, a white shirt and Jean shorts.

"Yeah.. I'm fine, but I don't think Green is...",I had reassured.

"Green?", a Male voice asked. I turned to face him. He was short and chibby. He had dark brown hair, slightly, but barely, tanned skin, a pink shirt with a yellow star in the middle with Jean's and sandals.

"The Green lion. Oh! And I'm Pidge!", I answered.

"What?", the pair asked in unison.

"I'll explain..", I said.

*Connie's POV*

Pidge had tried to explain after an hour of question and answer.

"STEVEN, CONNIE?", A voice screeched,"WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"Over here!",Steven replied.

"Sooo... Steven and Connie huh?", pidge asked.

"Oh yeah!", I said. I completely forgot...

"Oh there you two are!",Pearl said relief creeping in her voice," and whose that?"

She was eyeing Pidge suspiciously.
"I am Pidge Gunderson! A paladin of voltron.", She answered.

"Pidge? Are you okay? We found you.", a worried voice interrupted.

*Pidge's POV*

"Hunk! Yeah I'm fine, I met some people too!", I replied happily.

And on cue four lions in the colour I recognized entered the atmosphere.

"AAAAAAAHH!! GARNET!!", the pale woman screeched again.

The lions landed and four frantic and relieved Paladins rushed out. I got embraced in a hug too.

"Excuse me 'Pidge' but who are they and what are they doing here...?", the woman asked.

"Her name is Pearl! And wow!", Connie said.

Shiro stepped up and introduced us,"Hi, I am shiro, this is Lance, Hunk, and-"
"And Mullet!", Lance ended glaring at Keith.

"Oh yeah, douchebag?"

"Yes emo Keith.",Lance retorted, sticking his tongue out.

"And you are?",Shiro queried, ignoring the fight behind him.

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