Homeworld Pt. 2

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*third POV*

"Stay here. Yellow can be... intimidating.", Pearl advised stopping in front of an open corridor. Steven and Pearl along with Shiro had gone in leaving the others alone.

"What's so intimidating about h-",Lance asked, but keith smacked the back of his head,"Hey!"

"If you say something bad about them they might to something about it!",keith hissed.

*le time skip*

They had entered a pure white and eerie corridor this time. Shiro and steven only went in though. Allura had contacted all the paladins to make sure they were okay, while Lance was off asking and being told to shut up by keith.

"Good news!", Steven bursted through shouting,"she said yes!"

"Really?",pearl seemed to be pretty suprised,"she wasn't like this with..."

"With who?",shiro queried.

"Oh never mind!", she dismissed.

"I think we should get to allura now.", Lance offered.the others seeming to agree.

"I can take them.", shiro said,"I have the most room."

*le other time skip*

The paladins and gems had just entered the palace.

*pidge's POV*

I had gotten out to meet the others in the lounge to discuss matters. We just got back from 'homeworld' bringing the crystal gems with us. I ran through the halls finally reaching the lounge. The gems and shiro were there.

"Wow your early.", keith said behind me.

"No shit sherlock.", I replied sarcastically.

"Language.", pearl and shiro said unison.

Some time later hunk and lance entered along with the princess and coran.

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