chapter twenty-three

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And so I had decided that I was going to love Seth. And it was the best decision I had made. Slowly, I had come out of my shell, and my life had evolved. Seth somehow, without me realizing, crept his way into my daily routine. Once I noticed the patterns we were establishing, he was already completely woven into my life.

I had become a regular pickup every morning in Leah's route to school, Seth always greeting me every morning with a smile, and Leah rolling her eyes at him. We didn't have classes together, but at the end of the day, he always waiting by my locker to walk me home. The walk to my house wasn't more than 10-15 minutes. But Seth and I would walk slowly as we talked, our shoulders bumping one another, as we dragged out the walk to half an hour just to have more time together. We'd say a lengthy goodbye at my door, always finding some last statement to share or story to tell, until finally my Papa would bang on the front window with a glare.

I floated through dinner and my homework, hearts in my eyes, until finally it was time to go to bed. I would talk to Seth on the phone quietly every night, under my covers. My grandparents were always long asleep, so hiding under my covers wasn't totally necessary, but it made it feel like Seth and I were in our secret world. I loved this nightly routine. His strong voice lulling me to sleep, making me feel warm and protected.

Seth was perfect. He was everything I didn't know I needed, protective, positive- he was golden. I was never much of a talker, but I could listen to Seth's bubbly chatter for hours. He always found a way to make me laugh, and see the world with a little more optimism.

He seemed to have just been waiting for me to give into him. I realized he had already accepted our relationship ages ago, he was just patiently waiting for me. He was ready, and confident in us. I'm not going to lie, sometimes those feelings crept up on me. More than I liked to admit.

Sometimes I had those feelings of worry. I was scared of how much Seth meant to me. What would happen if one day he woke up and dumped me, or if there was a wolf accident? I would be left broken, I knew there would be no recovering. Seth could always tell when I became isolated in my own head, ruminating. He would grab my hand, and remind me that he wasn't going anywhere, or that he wasn't going to leave me. "Stop overthinking, and just love me as much as I love you," he would whisper in my ear, always managing to calm me down and pull me out of my reverie.

And he held true to his promise; he didn't leave. When the going got tough, he Seth took it all in stride. He didn't leave me when my Papa caught us kissing and forced Seth to shovel our driveway for a month as punishment. He didn't leave when the anniversary of his dad's death rolled around, and he was feeling sad. He didn't leave me when I threw a flower pot at his wolf form when he accidentally trampled my daises once summer rolled around. He even stayed when I accidentally baked him brownies with walnuts for our first anniversary- he was allergic to walnuts and broke out in itchy hives.

 Because for every bad experience, there was one hundred great ones. And each mistake we made was a lesson for us to learn more about each other. And with each new thing I learned about Seth, the more I loved him.

 "Are you sure your Papa's not home?" Seth eyed my house apprehensively, as we sat in my garden together. More like I was planting, and he was sitting alongside of me.

Flowers for Lilah (Seth Clearwater)Where stories live. Discover now