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Logan led the group up the stairs, to the fourth floor, then to a little room back by the bathroom that Thomas hadn't gone into yet. Suitcases, faded from the years, lined one wall, and metal filing cabinets lined the other. Logan went over to one cabinet tucked into the back corner, then wrestled the middle drawer open. Slowly, carefully, he pulled out a black piece of knitted cloth. "I believe this belongs to you."

Damien took it slowly, running his thumbs over it before unfolding it and pulling it over his sloppily-cut hair. It was a hat, Thomas realized, the kind Joan wore. Hadn't Damien mentioned something about a hat?

"And this is the letter," Logan smiled gently, handing Damien an envelope.

Slowly, carefully, Damien ran a finger under the flap, careful to not rip it and setting it gently on top of the filing cabinet. He unfolded the letter inside slowly, then looked up to Logan, tears gathering in his eyes.

"Can you read it?" When Damien shook his head, Logan smiled gently, "Would you like me to read it to you?"

Damien nodded and Logan sat down, patting the ground next to him and letting the younger (or older, depending on how you look at it) get settled before starting; "My dearest Day..."

//My dearest Day,

In the event that something has happened to me and your father, I want you to have this. There are many things you do not know what you need to, and I'm afraid something horrible is about to happen. Either way, first and foremost, I want you to always remember; there is nothing wrong with you. You are my sweet, quiet, beautiful little boy, and nothing they can say will ever change that. Your father and I love you very much, and that can't be changed either.

As I'm sure you've noticed by now, you're not quite like other people your age. Your aunt was the same way, your grandmother called it "touched by God." Whatever it is, others will fear and mistrust you because of it. There is nothing that can be done about this, unfortunately, but your uncle has a few things set up for you in case something happens. We've left in our will that you're to go to a boys home in a nearby city until you're eighteen, after which the farm will be transferred to your name. And, just in case, we've hidden away something special for you. Remember the hill you and your father slid down on the baking sheets after it rained? Do you remember the old tree at the base? There is something hidden there for you, where the little yellow flowers used to grow.

Remember this, my Day; we will always love you. You are kind, thoughtful, and empathetic. You have more love in your pinkie finger than those people in the town have in their entire bodies. You are artistic, quiet, and you can handle horses like no one else in this world. Never once have you failed to make your father and I smile. And I am telling you, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we love you wholly and unconditionally.

We love you now and forever,

Mama and Papa.//

There was a long, long silence after Logan finished. Thomas felt like his head was spinning. His thoughts were running in circles too quickly to be anything near coherent, trying to process what he had just heard.

"Guys, I might be wrong," Roman started, eyes darting around the room, "But... that... that might mean that whatever they left for Damien... is still there."

All eyes snapped to him, Logan rising slowly. "Explain."

"Well, those clues are something only he could follow, so even if someone else did read the letter they wouldn't have been able to figure it out. Unless someone's happened across it, it should still be where they left it. Damien-" Day looked up from where he was still sitting on the floor, tears brimming in his dark eyes, "do you know the place the letter refers to?"

Damien tilted his head slightly, seeming to think about it for a few moments, then nodded.

"Can you lead Thomas to it?"

He nodded again, rising to his feet slowly, shoulders squaring with determination.

Roman grinned, emerald eyes sparkling, "Then what are we waiting for?"


"You're kidding me."

Logan poked his head up from the back seat, looking at Thomas, "What appears to be the problem?"

"This... this is Valerie's house..." Thomas glanced at the address again, then again to make sure he was right. "Oh my God, this is Valerie's house."

"Who's Valerie?" Virgil called from the very back.

"She's one of my friends- Damien, are you sure?" Damien nodded. "Oh God... she's gonna think I'm insane."

"I sincerely doubt that, Thomas."

"What am I supposed to tell her? I followed the instructions written by the long-deceased -previous owners of this property through the help of their son, who died in a mental hospital and is now a ghost who is sitting in the passenger seat of my car?! Tell me that doesn't sound insane!"

Logan thought it over for a moment, then sighed. "I suppose you are correct. What should we do?"

"... I'm gonna wing it," Thomas decided, getting out of the car to do something he most definitely should not wing.

"No," Virgil called uncaringly, "Wait. Stop."

"You're. Not. Helping," Logan growled, going after Thomas. He flew after Thomas, hovering beside him as he walked up to the door. "Thomas, I really must advise against this course of action-"

Thomas ignored him, knocking on the door. After a few moments, it swung open. Valerie smiled, "Hey Thomas, what's up?"

"Um..." This was what happened when you winged things that should not be wang, "This is going to sound insane, but there's something buried on your property. I think it may be something of monetary value."

She blinked, "Wait, what? How would you know?"

"Because... and I swear, I'm not crazy, but I found a letter from people who owned it a long time ago. They left clues for their son to find it, but he was locked up before he could."

"Soooo... how do you know where it is? I mean, how did these clues even lead you here, much less to where the actual thing is?"

"I may have... spoken to the son."

There was a long pause before Valerie, sounding incredulous, asked, "What? Like, through an Ouija Board or something?"

"No... you know the house I'm planning on converting into a children's home? Well, that's the facility that they sent the son to. He died there, so-"

"So you talked to his ghost." Valerie nodded as if this was a completely normal thing. "Thomas... what are you on?"

Thomas faltered for a moment, "I swear, I'm not high or crazy or anything! Look, I know this is hard to believe but... Logan, help me out here."

Personally, Logan was tempted to let Thomas try and dig himself out of the hole he was in, but he supposed he had to help. He grabbed Thomas' car keys, tossing them from hand to hand. Valerie watched, wide-eyed, as he tossed them into the air a few more times, the returned them to Thomas. She looked from Thomas, to where the invisible Logan stood, and back to Thomas. "What... was... that?!"

Thomas smiled nervously. "That was Logan Fernsby. A ghost."

Poor Valerie looked like she was going to faint. "That's... the ghost who told you about the treasure?"

"No, the ghost who told me about the buried thing is waiting in the car. Logan's a different ghost."

"Ask her if she's okay," Logan urged, worried by how pale Valerie was getting.

"Hey Val, you okay?" 

Valerie took several deep breaths, shook her head rapidly, then nodded. "I'm okay... I'm okay... one more question."


"Why is there a kid in your car?"

Wait, what?

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