sωεετ τrεατ

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After seeing the gif above, I thought this will be cute!

idk what, maybe school or normal, I'll see as I go out along..


Resting at your sisters house, Kanae and Shinobu, with a high fever, and a wet nose, your body resting between copious amount of blankets and pillows.

You sniffed, a upset expression resting on your face, a raging headache coming.

Grabbing a tissue, you blew at it again.

"chuuu~" the sound you let out as you sneeze.

"oh come on!" Sneezing has caused the area around you to be covered in snot. So you stood up and went to the kitchen and grabbed a wet towel, went back to your room, and started wiping the mucus away.

While doing so, you heard a a thud on your window.


And Again.

In fear of the window breaking, you checked and saw Muichirou looking up, at your window, and then your eyes.

"Hah? Tokitou-kun? What are you doing here!?" exasperated you asked, he said over, "Let me in. I brought homework since we were sent early."

Blinking at him, you closed the window.

He heard some stomping and the door opened soon, your body popping out and opening the door wide enough for him.

Taking his shoes off, he went inside, still having a day dreaming look.

At one point to going to the kitchen to give him water, you sniffed multiple times and him somehow bumping into furniture.

Grabbing him some juice once you made it in the kitchen, you passed it on him, and he stared at it.

You sighed, "Take it Mui, and then sit down, I'll just go to the restroom real quick."

Giving the juice, you went out the kitchen, and Muichirou sat on one of the chairs, and started drinking the juice, taking out notes from his bag.

Setting it on the table, he searched for his pen, instead then saw his pocky box he bought earlier he forgot to eat.

He opened it and popped in his mouth, munching on it quick.

He didn't realized it soon, but when he looked down, there were 3 left. His eyes went slightly wide, before it went back to it's hazy look.

You soon came back, and saw him holding a box you were all too familiar with him eating.


You smiled, and went behind his as quiet as you can, and placed you nimble hands in his shoulders.

"Hey, What do you have there?" He didn't even flinch hearing your sudden voice, he just turned around and presented you the pocky.

"Here, you take one." Quirking a brow at him at the sudden gesture, you took one still and munch on it whilst he did the same.

After munching on it, you noticed there is still one more, and he did to.

Putting it between his teeth, he gestured at you to sit down.

Doing so, he move the treat to his lips, and pulled your wrist, bring you closer to him, close to the point as a matter of fact that your face and his were just less 5 inches away.

Cheeks dusting to pale red roses, he directed the other tip of the pocky to your lips.

"Eat it with me." He spoke nonchalantly.

Did he not know what he is doing!?

He took the first bite, and then you slowly followed after, averting your eyes from his that were staring intently, almost in victory.

Both of you were close to touching lips and you were planning to break it off in fear he might get sick, but then he took a big bite, and your lips touched.

In shock, you couldn't pull off, nor could you stop him.

It.. felt good, also right..

He pulled off, and you brought your hand to your mouth and covered it, face now tomato red, he laughs lightly, and grabbed your hands, cupping them, and smiled.

"Hey, let's start homework, yeah?" He asked, and you nimbly nodded, the shock still not out of your system.


"Hey, do you have a pen with you? I don't know where mine is." Muichirou asked, starting the homework with you.

Kanae, Shinobu, and Kanao had gotten home an hour after the ordeal, and wondered why he was there, but said that he was there for the homework and to teach you the lessons he learned.

Looking up at him from the floor, since he was sitting on it and you were charging your phone, you gave him a rare blank look.

"Huh? I don't use pens often, I use pencils since they are more lightweight." You replied, and he blinked at you again.



"Ah shit."

"Hey! No cussing!"

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