Chapter Thirteen

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Over Shadow

In his armored transport mode, Dec'Qa roared toward the Cymalan capital, designated as Ak'no.
"Are you...certain...everything will go as planned?" he asked.
"Positive," I said. "Just get me in there, and I'll do the rest."
"You know that you are in no way obligated to help us?"

"Just because I don't have to do something doesn't mean I don't want to. Aside from that, I'm used to being a pawn by now. I don't mind as long as my friends are okay." Dec'Qa drove in silence for a while, seemingly pondering my words.
"You are young," he said, "and yet you act as though you've seen all."
"Heh... The ironic part about it is that I've never left my home until just recently. This mission, along with the other burdens suddenly shoved on me, is the only reason I'm here. Needless to say, however, I've got a lot to take care of, and very little time to do it, and my mission's success hinges on whether or not I'll be able to leave."

"Which is the cause for your enthusiasm to assist us."

"That's part of it. I realize, after hearing you and Guerro-DecHx talk, you and I... We're not so different. Guerro-DecHx for you is like Kai to me. Both brothers in arms. Both corrupted by their own goals, by the hatred of the one's whom they thought they could call friend."

"Guerro-DecHx was... a strong warrior who disagreed with my ideals for peace. He saw power as something to be seized when the opportunity presented itself, as while I admire his tenacity at doing so, I would like to believe that deep down, he knows this is not the way."

"But?" Dec'Qa sighed.

"I fear he is too far gone. He knowingly sought the infectious power, took it for himself and began to spread it to those who stood with him."

"That's where you guys disagreed?"

"His core was in the right place, but his mind was not. I tried to make him see that, and..."

"Tensions ran higher. He's... at war...with himself... Just like Kai."

"I do wish you would stay, for we could use another warrior on the battlefield."

"I know, and I'd love to help you guys, but I've put my mission on hold too long already. I can't delay it any longer."

"I understand. Freedom is your right. If you require aid, we will oblige. Just know there will always be a place for you and your people within the Bencye ranks." A monitor on his center console beeped. "We are nearing Ak'no." I nodded and began to change until I became an exact likeness to Te-Ma'ti o'Wido, the whole facade being sold by the glow of the Ti'e Ma'ti. I waited.

Dec'Qa pulled under an archway and reassumed his kaydoform, with me in Ma'ti form floating in his hand. 

"DEC'QA!" came a booming but seemingly welcoming voice. Dec'Qa looked up in time to see, who I assumed to be, Guerro-DecHx descend from the sky and landing hard on the metal ground, switching from what looked like a space cruiser to an excessively armed Guerrigrade tank, sporting numerous armaments, the biggest of which was a massive plasma cannon. 

"Guerro-DecHx," Dec'Qa replied. "I have brought what you've requested. Now release my soldiers!" The behemoth of a tank rolled up to Dec'Qa.

"Deliver the Ma'ti into my hands," Guerro-DecHx said as he assumed his kaydoform, "and they're all yours, Historian."

"Do I have your word?" Ironic that Dec'Qa would ask that, considering that we intended to trick Guerro-DecHx in the first place. Then again, for all I knew, it could've been just to sell the performance. For all we knew, Guerro-DecHx could be playing us

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