Chapter Twenty-Two

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We were wrong; so Very, Very Wrong!

Drifting weightless through the Nexus, a number of feelings​ washed over me: fatigue, pain, confusion, anger, annoyance. All this time, the enemy Speelsaîūm had chased down for so long turned out not to be the biggest threat in this universe. I wanted to do something, but I just couldn't. Everything that was in me before was gone. Everything I'd went through...all in vain. So much had been risked to even get me to this point: my family... and for what? A girl who you know is out of your league, anyway, Isiyonus had said. For the first time in what seemed like forever, he might've been right. Then again, if I didn't care so much about what happened to Speelsa, things could've been a lot worse. She'd have ended up in Elulsi, and assuming Sydalpha wanted to keep who I was a secret, Triounicron would've taken over. Tarabella... she stayed to try and find a way back to get to us when this was over... I wish this was over... but as of late, life just had a way of screwing me over. Ladasha... she's just...gone... she's not dead. I know that much... If only the ship had held together for just a little longer...

Wait...the ship! More specifically, the NOVA! I'd forgotten that I'd taken the regenerynges from the NOVA when it first crashed! Once again, I opened the compartment on my left forearm. The Elusian scroll was still there. I removed it, and underneath there were five syringe-like tools filled with a glowing blue liquid. I stared at it momentarily, wondering if this was the best course of action. But then I remembered Kai and Speelsa, and recalled that thing's words. Did I have the strength to finish the job? Certainly not like this. Without further hesitation, I took a regenerynge out. Raising my right hand, I slammed it into my left thigh and injected myself. Instantly, energy surged through my body. Everything I saw became sharper in detail, value, and color. I felt so fired up, I felt like I could've gone back and fought that monstrous enemy. Then my sense of reason kicked in. Yes, I'd regained my strength, but it was nowhere near enough to even lay a finger on him if it ever came to blows. No. For that, I'd need Kai. Assuming the earrings had recharged, we could become Kaiasmus again and end this fight.

Kai, I thought. Speelsa. Where are you guys? A white light appeared below me, and I darted towards it. I dove straight through the portal, and despite how fast I was flying, I wasn't surprised when I headbutted a dark warrior into another that a level-five superactive Kai was about to blast.

"Pax!?" he said in surprise.

"Hey," I said with a twinge of smugness and an air of sadness.

"Did... did you do it?! I-is my father gone?"

"And my brother."

"Oh...geez. I'm sorry, dude." I shook my head.

"Don't worry. Right now, what matters is that he's gone." Kai nodded. There was a flash of silver light, and Speelsa suddenly appeared.

"What's–" she stopped short when she saw me. "I'yamu!" Probably out of excitement, she hugged me, a bit tight, too, as I found it slightly hard to breathe. "You did it!"

"Yeah," I coughed. She let go of me.

"Sorry," she giggled awkwardly.

"Don't be." I heard a growling and I turned to see we were surrounded by more dark warriors. "Listen, I've gotta tell you guys something."

"Can it wait?" Kai asked. "We gotta take care of these guys, first." Activating the Hypro-ken, I gathered all the dark warriors into a ball. This time, time slowed down, and as a result of this, the light and energy from my aura formed a solid barrier, which I then proceeded to kick, sending the ball of dark warriors a long way away from us before returning to Kai and Speelsa and dropping the Hypro-ken.

"No," I answered. "This is urgent."

"What's wrong?" Speelsa asked.


"What do you mean?" There was a twinge of fear in Speelsa's voice.

"We were wrong about who our real enemy was."

"'Our real enemy?'" Kai asked. "You mean my father... wasn't... evil?"

"No. He was evil. He is evil. It's what came after him that we need to worry about now."

"What do you mean?" Speelsa asked. I told them what​'d happened after I blasted Triounicron. When I was done, both of them looked about as confused and annoyed as I was aggravated.

"This cannot be happening," Speelsa said exhaustedly, beginning to panic.

"Sadly, it is," I said. "I don't like this anymore than you guys do, but we have to finish it. Starting with these Corrupted turds." Kai and Speelsa looked around and saw what I meant.

"Whoa-ho-kay," Speelsa said.

"Did not see that coming," Kai said. "You got a plan, Pax? These things just keep coming back. It was fun at first, but now–"

"They're not your father's minions," I said. "They belong to that...thing."

"How can you tell?"

"Each one is about as strong as your father on their own, and they give off the same kind of darkness. I've got a plan, but only if you're willing, and assuming it works." I tilted my head, showing my ear to Kai. My Po'toge earring was still on, and when Kai saw it, he caught on.

"If you think," he chuckled, "I'm gonna turn down an offer to regain that kind of power, you're crazy!" Kai reattached his earring. Immediately, both earrings began glowing. "Remember, you asked me to stand by with you in this fight and well after. This fight's not over, yet, and I intend to stick by my friend." I was genuinely touched at his sincerity. I smiled.

"Thanks, Kai. Speelsa, looks like you're gonna be on your own again. You gonna be alright?"

"Yes, Dad," she said in a falsetto voice, "I'm a big immortal girl now and, in case you haven't noticed, vanoactive. Duh." I couldn't hide my urge to facepalm.

"Oi... Alright then," I laughed, after briefly getting over that scenario. "Let's go, Kai!"

Kai nodded. We fused, and Kaiasmus was born again.

"HAH!" Kaiasmus yelled. "Alright! Back again!"

Only this time, I thought, we're going all out!

Agreed, Kai thought back. Kaiasmus's aura, once again, took on blue and purple colors​. The only difference being its intensity. Our power was almost thrice what it was the first time we fused. We turned to Speelsa, who had a look of playful jealousy. "Speelsa, feel free to waste these guys."

"Gladly," she said, vanishing.

What's her deal? Kai asked.

Like I said, I don't know the first thing about women, I replied. Look, the portal's closed. The only way back is through the Nexus.


I can't risk these guys following us through the portal, or else they'll cause utter chaos within the system. We'll have to light-jump it.

Okay, but just a question: How are we gonna get past them? Through the eyes of Kaiasmus, I saw what he meant. The dark warriors were blocking our path.

We do what we do best, I said.

And that would be?

"Beat the crap out of everything."

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