Chap 37: Aelsa & Ljosalfgard

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As soon as I reappear inside the control room of our spaceship, I toss Nixx to the ground ignoring his frozen body as the Moon Elf thumps to the floor

"Done with the mission." I announce hastily, irritation burning inside my chest.

Sif's expression is pleased as her eyes examine the Moon elf at my feet, "So, what do you plan to do with him?"

"We'll present him to the Queen so that she can decide how to punish him."

"Very well." Sif replies with a hint of pride as she starts the engine of the ship. Distantly I hear the bedroom door slam shut and I know Loki has teleported back to his room. The red sun finally descends beneath horizon as we soar over the Sea of Sweet Tears and towards the capital of the Light Kingdom. A few stars begin to appear, twinkling in the night sky as we fly towards a gigantic glowing castle. Once we begin our descent, Sif expertly steers us beside the castle and maneuvers us into an empty field of orange and pink daisies.

Loki is uncharacteristically quiet as the four of us exit the spaceship and turn to face a castle so magnificent I find myself at a loss for words. The bright stars illuminate the roaming hills and mountain spires that surround the incredible castle that seems to be made entirely of crystal. It looms before us majestically, the moonlight reflecting off the blindingly white crystal so intense that the entire structure seems to glow as if made of magic. Crystal spires shoot up from the ground and merge into a giant twining tower that reaches up into the sky; the crystal twisting gracefully in every direction. Large white steps overlaid in red carpet lead up to an arched entrance that sparkles as if inlaid with diamonds. Soft, warm light pours out from behind the closed door and from the corner of my eye I spy a shadow watching us from a nearby window. 

"That way." Sif commands pointing to what seems to be nothing more than a small thatched grey cottage to the far right of the castle. "We need to sneak Nixx in through the secret entrance of the castle."

When I turn to grab the rope that binds Nixx, I find that Loki has already tossed him over his shoulder and is carrying him like a ragdoll.

"Haven't got all day." He mumbles dryly as Sif and I head down the hill towards the dark cottage. As we approach I notice that the small cottage windows and doors are all boarded up as if it's been abandoned. Once Sif reaches the green and brown cottage, she knocks on the boarded door six times. Instantly the door swings open with an eerie creek and there in the shadows stand two tall white-haired elves waiting for us within the empty building. The smaller elf holds two metal lanterns casting the cottage in layers of shadow, while the larger elf ushers us forwards, "This way, before anyone sees you." She whispers urgently, her voice thick with what vaguely resembles a Russian accent.

"Right away your majesty." Sif responds dutifully.

Once we're behind closed doors, inside a small windowless room the Queen lets out a loud breath, her eyes scrutinizing Nixx who's still bound by ropes as Loki heaves him to the ground. Nixx props himself up on his knees and glares at the Elf Queen with pure hatred and if his lips weren't still magically sealed, I'm sure he'd be spewing curses at her. Queen Aelsa stands taller than Loki as her eyes sweep over Nixx coolly, in the dim lighting she appears to be nothing close to obese, yet she has a full, curvy figure in the shape of a wide figure eight. She wears wide black slacks with a black expensive looking leather jacket and her thick curly white hair is pulled back into a taught braid. Her angled lips are painted dark burgundy and light blush contours her square jaw and forehead. The regal Queen's thick arched eyebrows and intelligent eyes suggest that she misses nothing, even as I suspect they also harbor many secrets.

"So, you decided to bring the old troublemaker to me." Her lips quirk into a pleased grin as she adds, "I trust no one saw you? The castle has been full of spies as of late."

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