Chap 16: Drunken Shenanigans

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"Feeling warmer champ?" Thor taunts from the kitchen table. The kitchen has been cleaned since lunch and Thor and Kamilla are drinking and playing cards and at the small table.

I roll my eyes, "Don't be jealous that I look good naked and you no longer do."

"Calm down, you're both pretty." Kamilla quips without looking up, then she lays her cards out on the table, "A royal flush, I win!"

Thor throws his cards down, "Ugg, I was so close!"

I sit down at the table and am about to shuffle the deck when Kamilla says, "Let's play something else, something a bit more fun. How about a drinking game?"

"What did you have in mind?" I ask my eyes twinkling, getting her drunk will make it much easier to pry the truth from her lips.

"There's this game kids used to play on Earth it's called truth or dare, everyone takes turns answering a truth or doing a dare and for every turn the whole group has to drink a shot of liquor."

"I've got some vodka." Thor offers as he reaches into a cupboard and pulls out three large, shiny glass bottles.

"Great! Each person gets a bottle to drink. And if someone fails to answer a truth or do a dare, they have to chug the entire thing!"

"How do you win?" I inquire, the picture perfect portrait of exceptional politeness.

"Um... I guess whoever passes out last wins."

I grin, "I suppose you'll be losing then." I tease remembering the previous night.

"Don't you worry about me, I can handle it."

"Then let's begin!" Thor bellows. "You two will only be fighting for second place. There's no doubt that I can hold my liquor better than you two wimps."

I chuckle at Thor's unbridled confidence, always so self-assured.

"Since I know how to play, I'll start the game." Kamilla announces, "Thor would you like to answer a truth or do a dare?"

"I can handle any dare you throw my way. Try me!"

"Okay Thor, I dare you to eat a bottle of hot sauce."

Thor shrugs, "Easy, I could do that in my sleep."

"Loki would you conjure-"

"Here you go Thor." I say smoothly as I conjure a bottle of hot sauce and hand it to him. Thor smirks and opens the bottle confidently. When he catches a whiff of it he grimaces. "Yuck this smells disgusting! What in the nine realms is this?"

"It's something I encountered on Sakaar, they call it the Devil's Dying Flames. It's so spicy, that it's been known to cause fainting and vomiting. The Sakaarians consider it a delicacy." I grin, "This isn't going to be too hard for you is it?"

Thor bristles and puffs out his chest, "Of course not. I never back down from a challenge! Bottoms up!"

Thor chugs the bottle swiftly and when he slams the empty bottle on the table his face is pale and he looks hilariously queasy. He gasps and jumps to his feet frantically waving his hands in the air, "AHHHH, WATER! I NEED WATER! IT BURNS ME!"

Kamilla and I snicker as Thor rushes to the kitchen sink and throws his face under the stream of water. He gulps down several mouthfuls of water greedily, before standing up and panting, his head and face soaking wet.

"So undignified brother." I taunt smoothly, "That was ever so amusing."

"Everyone, take a swig from your bottle of Vodka." Kamilla commands, "Since Thor accomplished his dare, it's his turn to challenge either of us."

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