Chapter 1

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Alex's POV
The sound of my alarm woke me up from my deep slumber. I slowly opened my eyes and i was met with bright lights shining from the windows. Then i shifted my sight to my little son who's sleeping soundly in my arms despite of the alarm that rang awhile ago.

He had his own room but keeps insisting to sleep with me.

A smile graced my lips while hearing his cute snores. Just then i felt the urge to pee. I slowly got off the bed, cautious to not wake my son. I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. Then i went back to our room and into my walk-in closet to get dressed.  After getting dressed, i went back to our room.

I saw that my little boy is sitting on the bed while rubbing his still sleepy eyes. I lean on the dooorframe and just watched him while smiling. “Good Morning there buddy,” i told him.

He then look at my direction, jumped off the bed and hugged me, my leg i mean, “Good Morning too Dad!” he said with a lot of enthusiasm. I then bend down and kissed his forehead. He released his grip on me and went running out my room to his own room just beside mine.

I grabbed my car keys on the bedside table and went downstairs. I took a seat and waited for him. I didn't have to tell him what to do, it's been a habit for us to wake up, freshen up, get dressed and go out to have breakfast.

Why you go out you ask? Because i don't know how to cook. Well, i'm not kidding if i tell you that i suffered food poisoning from my own cooking and nearly burned the house down when i tried to fry some eggs. I'm not telling you how because it's very embarrassing and cringe worthy at the same time. Since then, i never attempted to cook again.

I turned on the  TV and watched some news, i'm a lawyer so i need to be always updated on current happenings. After a few minutes, i heard my son running down the stairs. I flicked off the TV and turned to the direction of my little boy, “Ready?” “Yup,” he answered. Then we went straight to the door.

Upon stepping outside, the sight of a busy city is seen. People in corporate attire running of to work, cars are honking, and the sight of traffic is not new to me. I locked the door and went inside our car, i faced him and asked, “Now, where do want to eat?” He thought for a moment and answered “WENDY'S!” I smiled, nearly laughed at his jolliness.

We then drove to Wendy's. We arrived and i glanced at my watch, it's already 8am. We parked the car, went inside, took a seat, then a waiter approached our table. We told her our order and she left and soon came back with our drinks. After a few minutes, she came back with our orders. We started eating while having a conversation.

“So, how's school buddy?” i asked him. “School's okay Dad. We have a lesson about family. Our teacher told us that a family is composed of  children, a father, and mother.” I frozed in place upon hearing this.

He then asked the greatest question that I'm afraid of, “Dad, do i have a Mom? Where is she?”

My heart is racing and i can't properly think. “Your mom? uhhmm. I...i mean she...” I was so nervous because this is the first time he asked me about his mom. I was stuttering because how the heck can i explain to a six year old kid, that he doesn't have a mom but instead, another dad?

The nerves are eating me out but as a trained lawyer i thought of a solution fast. I reached for the tissue and intentionally spilled my drink.
The tricked worked because he stood up and laughed at me, i also joined him with my fake laugh of course. Just then, a waiter came running, holding a piece of cloth to wipe the mess. After that, we took a seat and continud our conversation like nothing had happened.

I sighed in relief because he had completely forgotten about our topic awhile ago. After eating, i paid for our food and went out.

“Where do you want to go next, buddy?” i asked him. “To the Mall!” he replied with so much excitement in his voice. I smiled back at him and said, “Off to the mall we go!” i said imitating a pirate's voice. He laughed at me and went inside the car. We drove off to the mall.

Upon arriving, he caught my hands and dragged me towards the playing center. We played games for hours. After that, we went to shop. I glanced down at my wrist watch and saw that it was already lunch so we went to the food court to eat.

I forgot to mention that today was Saturday, it's my day off in the morning and i go to work in the afternoon at 4pm. We went home after eating and Janet was already there. She was Sammy's babysitter. Her schedule is from Monday to Saturday. She has her own room in the house and goes back to her own house whenever she pleases, that is when I'm with Sammy. My son ran straight towards her and she, as always, carried him lovingly like he's her own son. “Hey there Little Sam! Where have you been?” “We went to the mall!” he replied cheerfully. “Oh! Did you have fun?” “Yup!”

I went upstairs to get ready. I took a shower and changed to my Armani suit. I went downstairs and kissed my sons forehead, “See you tomorrow buddy.” I said tomorrow because I'm coming home late as usual and my he will be fast asleep. “Goodbye Dad, beat those bad boys asses!” i chuckle at his reply. I once again kissed his forehead, told my good bye to Janet and went out to work.


So, Chapter 1 is out yowww! Now you have a sneak peek on what's happenning with Alex's life.

I'm always excited about this. Sorry for the short chap, but i must tell you that openings are the hardest.  I edited this chap so many times. 😁 I'll try to make the next chapters more longer and more mea ningful. haha

All in all, I hoped you liked it!

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Love y'all~😘

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