Chapter 8 Bam's Demo Day (Journey)

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Today was the day of Bam's skating demo and I must say I'm very excited. I was in a deep slumber which was definitely earned after trying to put Brooke to sleep at 1am; all because she was hyper. As I rolled over in my sleep I was met with what felt like slime and pastry. I opened my eyes to be blinded by a coconut cream pie!


I screamed at the top of my lungs, trying to wipe some of the cream filling off my face. I could hear the footsteps coming towards me, well more than one at least.

"Yes babe?"

He smirked looking at me with a few camera men pointing their cameras on me; great I guess this is going in Viva La Bam.

"You're an arsehole you know that right?"

I chuckled wiping my face onto the bed sheet which seemed to of got all the mess off my face.


He jumped onto the bed next to me and pulled me into a hug; whilst wiping some cream out of my hair.

"You know what today is don't you?"

"Hell yeah I do. It's demo day!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs, great so besides a face full of cream I now have a splitting headache...Thanks Bam!

"Yeah now leave me be so I can get dressed."

I huffed ushering him and the camera men out the bedroom.

"Wait babe can I stay?"

He questioned pouting at me.


And with that I slammed the door on his face.

I returned out the room, showered and dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans, an Asking Alexandria top and a pair of Dr Marten boots. Bam was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with Brooke in one arm and a cup of coffee in the other hand.

"Thank you."

I smiled pecking Bam on the lips.

"No problem. She's hungry."

I looked down at Brooke, her beautiful eyes looking into mine made my heart melt.

"Did you not give her a bottle that I made?"

"I would have if her mummy remembered."

Oh shit I knew there was something I had to do last night.

"Okay I'll feed her now."

I took her out of Bam's arms and handed Bam my coffee, I took her back upstairs. I shut her bedroom door making sure no one would burst in on me. I took one arm out my top and hoisted my top over my shoulder, I undone my bra and let it fall down to my stomach. I got Brook comfy and watched as she started feeding, I stoked her tiny, pink cheek with my index finger. She stopped suckling, I leant her over my shoulder slightly and rubbed and patted her back until she let out a loud burp.

"Pardon you."

I giggled setting her down in her crib whilst I put my clothes back on.

"Looks like daddy didn't dress you did he?"

She smiled a toothless grin at me. I went to her wardrobe and picked out a purple dress, black dolly shoes and a pair of lilac briefs to go over her nappy.

"Need a hand?"

I turned around to see Bam drinking MY coffee.

"You can change her I need a drink."

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