Chapter 5 "We're filming what?"

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So guys I saw fuckface unstoppable and viking skull in one night and it was Awesome! Novak and Alex chatted up my mum outside and during in the air tonight Novak handed me the mic and I Sung! Then on Friday I saw HIM omg they are perfect live and various other bands which is why in later chapters their will be new characters! If you wanna know more about my evening and day at sonisphere pop up to me on here it was a great week!

The CKY crew have been with us for 1 whole week and god they are bunch of animal! I am constantly cleaning up after them, they should be making my life easier not me making their lives easier. Alex Flamstead was in the pool with me chilling, well he was in the pool I was on the side with my feet dangling in the water.

"So have you and Bam figured out any names for the kid?"

Alex questioned, his gorgeous Australian accent was music to my ears.

"Well if it's a girl she is going to be called Brooke and if it's a boy then we are going to call him Kirk."

"Great name choices. I heard about the little disagreement at your joint party."

He chuckled, he placed his arms on my legs and raised himself out the water a little.

"Yeah I was so worked up that night. But she apologised afterwards which I was grateful for."

"Well the kid is going to be so lucky to grow up in such a huge family."

"Yeah just try not to get the baby drunk on alcohol when you look after it."

"You make me sound like a bad influence."

He said with an opened mouth. I shook my head at him and ruffled his wet blonde hair. I jolted my head around as I heard the door bell ring, I couldn't rely on the others to get it so I decided to go and get it myself.

"I'll be back in a sec."

I told Alex, he lowered himself back into the water allowing me to get up off the ledge. As I walked into the lounge, sat there lounging around was Dico, Dunn and Raab.

"You guys couldn't of answered the door?"

I questioned giving them a confused look.

"Didn't hear it."

Dunn spoke not looking up from his phone once. I grabbed a pillow off the couch and threw it at his head before heading over to the door to open it. When I opened it to my surprise I found Steve-O and a girl that looked very familiar.

"Hey Holls mind if we come in?"

"Sure. Sure come in."

"Oh my god Hollie its so good to see you again."

When I looked closely the face became familiar it was Daniella from back in England.

"Dani! What are you doing here?"

I squealed and pulled her in for a tight hug.

"Well I'm with Steve-O now. Wow why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"

"It was all over the news, Facebook and Twitter. Since when are you with Steve-O?"

"Well these past months."

She smiled, the pair of us sat down on the sofa; she sat on one sofa with Steve-O and I sat opposite her between Dico and Raab. Just as I was about to speak there was another knock at the door, I looked over at Dico and he automatically got up and answered the door. In came Luke and Rhi, Luke looked pissed off and so did Rhi I wonder if she's told him about her and Knox yet?

"Hey guys."

I smiled.

"Steve-O can I have a quick word please."

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