Chapter 9 Bam's Demo Day

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2 days it took us, 2 fucking days it took us to get to the demo! 'Only a few more hours' Bam said, but no 48 hours is not just a few. I was sat next to Bam with Brooke on my lap, we was watching Spongebob Squarepants on TV; it seemed to be a popular choice for Brooke. I was dressed in an oversized Nirvana t-shirt and latex leggings with lace on the outer leg with my black heels.

"How many people do you reckon will be there today?"

I questioned looking over at Bam.

"I have no idea."

He chuckled, that made me even more nervous. I've never really performed my own songs on my own, I've always had someone with me or done it in front of people I knew.

"What song are you singing?"

Bam asked wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"All shall be revealed my love."

I replied pecking his lips.

"We're here fuckers."

Tim said with excitement, I covered Brooke's ears and scolded Tim; I know she doesn't know the word but I certainly don't want her getting use to it.


I cheered, I needed to stretch my legs badly and a change of scene from this bus. Bam grabbed me Brooke's carrier, I strapped it to my front and strapped her in tightly so she wouldn't fall out.

There was a lot of people here today, I could feel my stomach churning from nerves.

"Babe you'll be fine."

Bam spoke rubbing my back to soothe me, it kind of worked but I still felt like I was going to pass out then and there.

"Bam we need to sign in."

Tony spoke tugging on his arm, he looked at me and I gave him a brief nod; Bam gave me a kiss on the cheek and fled off into the distance.

"You look lonely."

I turned around to see Ville.

"Holy crap when did you get here?"

I questioned kissing both his cheeks.

"About 4 hours ago. The guys and I are doing a concert here today for the demo and I hear you're performing too."

"Aw brilliant. And yeah I am, I'm so nervous do you do it?"

"I've been doing it for years now so I would just say think of them as statues."

"Thanks Ville."

Well lets see if this theory will work, I don't want to make a complete embarrassment of myself at a gig like this.

"No problem kiddo. Where's Bam at anyway?"

"He's gone to sign in."

"Fancy a drink?"

"I would love one."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as the pair of us walked over to a drinks stool.

"A coke and a beer please."

Ville spoke grabbing some money out of his wallet, he handed me my drink before the pair of us headed back to meet up with the rest of the gang.

"I need a favour off Mika and Mikko."

I said looking at Ville.

"What's that then?"

"Well seeing as I can't play the drums and can not play bass and guitar at the same time...I need them for my performance."

"Here you can speak to them."

Living La Viva La Bam (Sequel To In Love With A Jackass)Where stories live. Discover now