The situation/The answer

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(Ricky's POV)
We finally got home, so I helped Evie carry her stuff inside while Sam closed the door. we got inside and I helped Evie bring her stuff to her room, after that I went downstairs and gave Sam an angry look and told him I wanted to talk to him. "Ricky what did I do?" well you have a fucking crush on my daughter, and I thought we had a deal? "we did, but I just can't help it, she's-she's just so beautiful, funny, nice, and I just love her personality, I know we made a deal Ricky, but I can't keep it anymore" can we make another deal than? "uh sure, I guess so" k well here's the deal, if my d-daughter wants to d-d-date you, you can d-date her, and if you mess things up and hurt her, you will never see her again, got it? "yes omg Ricky I promise I won't mess things up!" if you hurt her ill give her permission to hurt you back! "ok, I promise I won't".

(Evie's POV)
When I got to my room I was so happy I jumped on my bed and screamed into my pillow, I am crushing on Sam he's just so cute and funny and sweet, and his personality is just so amazing. I don't know if it's a bad thing or not but he's kinda my "brother" now! and I-I have a crush on him!!!! (knock knock) come in!, oh hey SAM! "Hey, uh can I talk to you?" yea sure what is it? "um well, idk how to say it but umm, will you be my g-girlfriend?" OMG, yes yes yes yes YES!!!! "omg really" yes of course!. I gave Sam such a big bear hug, I could barely breathe!. Uh Sam? "yea, what's wrong?" um does Ricky know!? "no he doesn't but we can go tell him now!?" ok let's go tell him, ill race you downstairs!, 3-2-1 GO!!, Haha, I beat you Sam!!!!!.

(Sam's POV)
I can't believe you beat me!! "well I did!". I walked up to Evie and kissed her on the cheek, and when I did she blushed so much she even giggled a little bit, she was so cute. let's tell your "Dad" now! "ok let's tell him!" Hey Ricky, it's official we are now dating! "Oh Ok well Sam do you want to teach her how to swim now? "yea sure!" ok, Evie go get changed and meet me outside! "ok Sammy"

(Evie's POV)
Sam is teaching me how to swim! and we just started dating! this is the best day of my life!!. I put on my new O2L bikini and grabbed a towel and walked to the pool. Sam was sitting on the edge of the pool when he looked up from his phone he saw me and he just stared at me and almost dropped his phone into the pool!. Hey Sam whatcha staring at? "oh uh what, nothing?!" teach me how to swim already! "ok fine!". I sat down beside Sam, I went to push him in the pool but instead we both fell in, we both started to laugh, and that's when it happened!, Sam pulled me underwater and kissed me on the LIPS!!.

Once we finally came back up for air I was nervous about what he would say but I told Sam something and he was shocked and he couldn't figure out why!. Uh, Sam? "yea what's wrong" um well you know how we are dating well your my first boyfriend and that was my first kiss! "Really, wow I thought you already had a boyfriend for?" no, why would you think that, no guy ever likes me "I only thought that because of how beautiful, nice, and funny you are that you would've had a boyfriend before" well no, you are my first boyfriend "well I guess I'm the luckiest guy ever to have such a beautiful girlfriend!" aww, Sammy, stop it I'm not that beautiful "yes you are and that's that, now ill teach you how to swim it's very simple" Ok!.

(Sam's POV)
So what your going to do is lay across my arms, and kick your legs and uhhhh? doggie paddle! "uh ok, like this?" yea, exactly like that! "can I try without you holding me?" yea sure. "yay!, I did it Sam, I did it!" omg, you learned way faster than I did, it took me 10 tries to get it right! "wait should I try swimming in the deep end now so I can get used to not having something under me to walk on?!" yea, ill be by you if you need help "ok Sammy!". just keep doing what I taught you and you will be able to do it! "ok"...... "omg I did it Sammy!!!!!" Let's swim together now "okay Sammy".

(Ricky's POV)
I was in my room when I heard Sam and Evie laughing their heads off I looked out the window to see Sam holding Evie's stomach and told her how to swim, she actually learned in like a minute or two!. I went downstairs and asked the guys if they wanted to go swimming, Hey guys, wanna go swimming? "yea sure!" they all said in sync, oh yea guys I shouldn't tell you this but Sam just taught Evie how to swim because she didn't know how but she does now but please don't push her into the pool or push her underwater, ok?! "Yea, we promise we won't" ok, let's go swimming!.

(Jc's POV)
I thought it was cute that Sam had the guts to ask if he could teach Evie how to swim because I know Sam has a 'crushy wushy' on her!. I went upstairs and got changed into my swim shorts and grabbed a towel, when I got outside I see Sam kiss Evie on the cheek, so I called Sam over, so I could talk to him! "What's up Jc?" I just seen you kiss her, and you know if Ricky would've seen that you would've been in sooooo much trouble! "well about that..." what? "well I talked to Ricky today and well Evie and I are dating!" really, I knew that you had a 'crushy wushy' on her from the first day we adopted her! "oh shut up Jc, oh do you wanna know something?" No and yea sure " ok well I'm her first boyfriend EVER!" ohhhh have you kissed her yet!? "yea" on the lips? "yes" really when?! " she tried pushing me in the pool but we both fell in and I pulled her underwater and kissed her, it was the best kiss ever!" aww that's cute "yea ik and that was her first kiss ever too!".

(Ricky's POV)
When I got outside everyone was already in the pool. when I got in the pool Sam said he had an announcement to make, "Evie and I are dating!" "Omg really" yes everyone I let them date!. well after a day in the pool, we all decided to go to the skatepark, but Evie doesn't know how to skateboard so Jc and Sam are teaching her. She finally got the hang of it, Jc let her borrow one of his other skateboards, when we left the house, we were all in two cars mine and Connors. In mine was Jc, Sam, And Evie, in Connor's car there was Trevor, and Kian, we drove off to the skatepark and when we got there, there were a lot of teenage boys staring at us and we couldn't figure out why.

(Evie's POV)
There were a lot of teenage boys staring at me, and well it was kinda creepy, and it was probably because I was the first girl ever to go to the Skatepark. I whispered to Sam, Sammy do you know any of them? "yea some are my friends from school" oh ok "uh can I hold your hand?" sure! when Sam held my hand most of the teenagers were whispering, and staring at us even more. We all walked over to a bench and sat down, 2 guys walked up to us and asked what I was doing there then said hi to Sam, I guess they are friends. "what's this girl doing here?, no girl ever comes here because there to Girly and don't want their nails to break!" well maybe I'm not Girly like them and I actually like to skateboard! "ohh your sassy" "Yea well she gets that from me!" "How does she get that from you Ricky you're not even related" "well I taught her, and she's my adoptive daughter Ryan!" "oh, she is? sorry Ricky..."

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