Nighty Night!

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(Evie's POV)
I'm going inside to change and grab some blankets and pillows, who wants to help me grab them? "we do!" ok, Sam, Trevor can you help too? "yea sure" ok, well I'm getting changed now but um you guys can grab the blankets and stuff from the others rooms! "ok". I walked into my room and grabbed my black tights with see-threw stars on the side and my floral crop top, And brushed my hair. Then I grabbed all my pillows and blankets and went to bring them outside when someone grabbed my arm, spun me around and kissed me.

I almost screamed because I didn't know who it was and when I did I got mad because it was Trevor, and he doesn't like that I'm dating Sam and not him, and right after as he kissed me I pulled away and Sam walked in and we all started to walk outside. "I just have to tell Sam what just happened but what if he hurts Trevor, I don't want that to happen, he's one of my brothers". Sam I-I need to talk to you.

(Sam's POV)
Evie walked up to me and she sounded like she was scared about something she said she had to talk to me so we walked over to the hammock. what's wrong!? "um well when I came downstairs to bring the stuff outside and before I got out the door someone grabbed my arm, spun me around and kissed me and well it was Trevor and I pulled away as soon as he kissed me, please don't hurt him Sam!" HE DID WHAT! "he he kissed me, Sam calm down please you're scaring me". I walked away and yelled to Trevor. Trevor get your ass over here, NOW!. I seen Evie run inside crying and 5sos run in after her, "what do you want!" what do I want!, are you kidding me!?, Evie just told me you kissed her! "yea so I kissed her, what's your point!?". He had a smirk on his face, I punched Trevor in the face and he fell to the ground, all the guys came running over to see what had happened, I told them everything and Ricky was pissed!.

(Evie's POV)
I ran inside and went to my room I started crying even more because I knew Sam was mad and he was going to do something to Trevor. ( knock, knock) Go away! "It's Michael, Ashton, Calum, and Luke we wanna know what's wrong?" c-come in "so tell us what's wrong please we can help?" well I don't think you guys can help but um Trevor kissed me and I told Sam and he's probably beating the shit out of Trevor now and I didn't want this to happen I should've just kept it to myself because now Ricky probably knows-" calm down it's okay we are here for you it's gonna be okay" what if it's not, I hate keeping secrets, I have one that I promised I would never tell anyone, but Calum can I just tell them please I can't keep it in there's too much going on? "yea I-I I guess so, actually can I because I'm the one who did it?" yea.

(Calum's POV)
Well um when Evie was grabbing me a towel she dropped it and when she picked it up and turned around I-I kissed her I didn't mean to though I couldn't control my self it just happened, I feel so ashamed and if Sam finds out he will kick my ass! "YOU DID WHAT!?" yea I did! "I would've done the same thing tho so I can't get mad!" really Mikey why? "because ever since I bumped into her I like fell for her and I just can't help it" oh "yea" but don't tell Sam or Ricky please? "we promise we won't" thank you!. After that, we group hugged and Evie jumped because she heard a door slam and after it slammed we heard Ricky yell at someone and something break. "OMG, I think that's Ricky and Trevor, stay here ill go make sure they are okay!".

(Evie's POV)
I walked over to Trevor's room I was so scared to see what Ricky was doing to Trevor, I opened the door to see Trevor in a corner crying and Ricky yelling at him. RICKY STOP IT! "GET OUT NOW" NO, I DON'T WANT TO AND DON'T HAVE TO, STOP YELLING AT TREVOR PLEASE? "NO" WHY NOT? "BECAUSE HE KISSED YOU WHEN HE KNEW HE SHOULDN'T" RICKY JUST GET OUT PLEASE? "NO" I started to cry when I was yelling at Ricky to stop but he just made it worse. FINE ILL GET OUT, TREVOR COME HERE "okay" "HE'S NOT LEAVING THIS ROOM" Trevor lets go "ok" come to my room with me"

To: Mikey
Unlock my door it's Trevor and I!

From: Mikey

When Michael unlocked my door and opened it they all gasped because of how bloody Trevor's face was. I gave Trevor a big hug and he started crying even more and I did too because I was mad at Sam and Ricky. Trevor come to the bathroom so I can clean up your face "ok" did Sam or Ricky do this to you? "both" omg Trevor I'm so sorry I shouldn't have told Sam, and Ricky is just being an ass.

you know I'm his adoptive daughter but he can't just do that to me and who I love because I love all of you even Cal, Ash, Mikey, and Luke and even you Trevor but I think I need a break from Sam and Ricky for a couple of days and I think you need a break from them too! Ok, your face is all better "thanks I don't think anyone but my mom would do that for me" no problem Trevor ill always be there for you, come on give me a hug ik you want to!!! "okay fine" see I knew you did!.

To: The skatepark cutie😍!
Hey do you and the guys mind if I stay a couple of nights at your place, (we can get to know each other better!😉)

Luke looked at his phone and his eyes went wide, when he looked up at me and his mouth dropped and well I'm guessing it's because of what I said and he shook he said yes. Luke your gonna catch flies if you don't close your mouth! "shut up!" fine then be rude ill just stay here in this hell hole then! "never mind don't shut up!" that's what I thought!.

(Mikey's POV)
Uhh what are you guys talking about? "here ill show you guys!" uhh ok?....... Ohhhh ok yea no problem, sure you can. when I said that Evie ran at me and gave me a bear hug and kissed my cheek, she did the same to the other guys too!, she came and sat on my lap, the guys glared at me. "so uhh guys I still don't know what you're talking about?" oh Evie asked if she could stay a couple of days at our place "oh umm is it okay if I do cause the guys probably think I'm going to my mom's place?" yea sure that's fine but you'll have to sleep in the spare room "okay but where is she going to sleep?!" oh umm she gonna sleep in one of our rooms "what with one of you?!!!" Uh, yea why? "wtf nvm" ok so when do you guys all want to lea-" TREVOR YOU'RE GOING TO YOUR PARENTS FOR A COUPLE DAYS, EVIE YOU START SCHOOL TOMORROW AND HERE'S YOUR SCHEDULE, TREVOR YOU'RE LEAVING NOW! "okay in 10 minutes ill leave so I can grab all the stuff I need" "FINE".

(Luke's POV)
Ok we will leave in 10mins so that should be enough time for you 2 to get whatever you need to bring a suitcase that you guys can share! "okay I have one right here ill grab like 3 or 4 outfits two pjs and my makeup and shoes and electronics oh and my school stuff" okay sounds good! "ill do the same, cause I go to the same school as Evie" oh okay that's cool so do you guys need a ride tomorrow or do you take the bus? "um wait do you guys have a really cool car" yea why "because if we get there earlyish when everyone is still outside it will make us look cool duhh" ohhh I get what you mean Trevor, you want Evie to be noticed by other guys so she can find a better boyfriend! "NO" ik I was just joking, chill! well let's go and Evie you say goodbye to everyone but Sam and Ricky and if Sam tries to kiss you dodge it by doing something cool like bend backwards into a bridge! "okay that would be awesome, ill do it".

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