Combat Class Part 2

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You were already super concern over Midoriya facing Bakugo head-on but now you were even more concerned for Uraraka and her dealings with Iida. He could easily outmaneuver her and put her in serious harm. You had no idea why these thoughts rushed through your head. That or you knew, just didn't want to admit it. Either way, your teammate was in trouble and you wanted to make sure she was okay. As soon as you arrive at the top floor, the weapon slammed into your face and knocked you into the wall.

As you were flying, you saw Uraraka on the ground and the weapon, a giant missile, in Iida's hands. Your eyes made a confused gesture as you pointed to Iida more confused than angry.

(Y/N): What the h-

You slammed into the wall and fell to the ground. Luckily, your wings took the brunt of the damage. You shook your head and got yourself back in the fight. You quickly realized that Iida was keeping the weapon out of Uraraka's reach. You could easily go for a fireblast but that could hit both Uraraka or the weapon. This has now become an entire physical fight.

You got up and waited for Uraraka to charge in again. She must have seen you waiting for the right time to strike because you saw her give a nod before she lunged towards the weapon again. Iida, as predicted, grabbed the weapon and ran. You smirked and leaped forward right to his path. Iida didn't see you coming in until you punched him across the face and knocked the weapon out of his hand. You rolled along the ground and smiled as you saw Uraraka watching.

(Y/N): Get the weapon! I got Iida!

Uraraka: Right!

Uraraka ran to the weapon as you stood up and smiled. However, a massive blast from below went off and shook the building. Uraraka wobbled a bit and tripped on her boot. You dashed over and caught her, however, you allowed Iida to get the weapon in the aftermath of the blast.

(Y/N): You ok?

Uraraka: Yeah. Thanks for the-

She then saw the position you two were and blushed a bit. She quickly shook herself out of your hands and back up.

Uraraka: Ye-yeah. Thanks for the save.

(Y/N): ...Right...uh....sorry about the hold I'd just wanted to make sure you were alright and-Midoriya!

Uraraka: How does that have anything to do with Deku?

(Y/N): That blast came from downstairs!

She too widened her eyes. You both turned and looked back at Iida. You got in front of her and looked at your watch. A single minute left. That's all you had left. You turned around to block any attack from Iida with your wings so you could talk to Uraraka.

(Y/N): See if you and Midoriya can't work out a plan. I'll keep you covered and try to go after the weapon!

Uraraka: Alright. Good luck!

(Y/N): Same to you!

You turned back and readied your fists to fight. Uraraka went to her earpiece to talk to Midoriya.

Uraraka: Deku! Are you ok?

Midoriya: Yeah. But Kachan's blast destroyed a lot of the floor down here!

You went to grab the weapon but Iida quickly blocked you with a kick. You threw a punch, hitting him in the face and sending him to the ground. You jumped over Iida and made a break for the weapon. Thirty seconds left. You were about to grab the weapon but Iida somehow got to it first and swiped it away from you at the last second.

Iida: Ha ha, Hero! You really think you could outwit me?!

You growled in response to Iida's taunts.

Ochaco Uraraka X Male Reader: Fly Me AwayWhere stories live. Discover now