Meeting the Rest of the Girls

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As Azur Lane fleet was making their way back to the base, the Girls kept throwing glance at the two superships Otherwise known as Admiral Lazarev, and CVN-65 Enterprise.

The day and the Battle had been quite uneventful to say the least, seeing the power displayed by the two superships and their "Estranged" sisters.

CVN-65 Hull.

As the CVN-65 Enterprise was siting on the cockpit of a vacant F-14 tomcat jet interceptor, she had been thinking about had had been happening lately, first she awoke with human body, on top of her flight deck, then she receives a message from Pear Harbor, that it was under attack, she then sees Akagi, and Kaga.

Two WWII aircraft carriers that looked like Kitsunes, she wondered what was going on,and to her It felt as if the world was loosing any sense of logic it had.

Enterprise: What the hell is going on in this world?

Lazarev Hull

Lazarev for her part was keeping quiet trying to not think of what happened to much, as she knew she would get her answers sooner or later, right now she needed some shut eye, until they arrived at the base.

Enterprise (CV-6) and Hornet were looking at the two Super-ships with curiosity, Hornet for her part was Curios about her "Niece"?    
While Enterprise (CV-6) was in deep thought, since she didn't know how to handle all of this.

Hornet: So sis, what do you think?

Enterprise: Huh?

Hornet: I am referring to your supposed "daughter", that looks like she's been to hell and back, and her Friend.

Enterprise: I don't know what to think right now Hornet, things have gotten more complicated then they used to.

Hornet: I guess you are right on that sense, still can't help but feel that there something bigger going on here.

Enterprise: Yes.


Back at the base Wales looking through some Binoculars along with Illustrious and Unicorn, and an angry Vestal.

Illustrious: Do you see them?

Wales looked through her Binoculars on the Horizon, she then Spotted Hornet's Task force and a Heavily damaged Enterprise, and the supposed "daughter" of the Grey Ghost and a Ship that looked like a battlecruiser.

Wales: I spotted them, and Also it seems that they brought some company.

Unicorn: Company?

Wales: Yes they seem to have brought a Battlecruiser with them.

Illustrious: Is she Friend or Foe.

Wales: She hasn't attacked yet, I assume she's friendly.

Illustrious: Very well.

With Nuclear-duo

Enterprise (CVN-65): Oi Lazarev wake up we arrived at the base.

Lazarev woke up from the her sleep.

Lazarev: Understood, Enterprise.

Enterprise: This will be like the most awkward moment of my life.

Lazarev: You should tell that the Kennedy and Kruschev back in the missile Crisis back in 61.

 Enterprise: I'm not arguing that.

(Le Smol)Timeskip.

Enterprise, and Lazarev were sitting in front of Illustrious, Prince of wales, Hornet, Enterprise, Cleveland, Javelin, Laffey, Belfast, and the remainder of Hornet's Task Force.

Enterprise: So I guess we can make proper introductions?   

Illustrious: That would be Appreciated.

Enterprse: So whou should start first?
Very well I'll start first, So far you know My history and was deployed ten times, and the Fire of 1969.

Enterprise (CV-6): Yes, So far we know, what are the specs.

Enterprise (CVN-65): First of just call me Enty to not make confusions. Second
I carry up to 90 aircrafts normally I carry 65 depending on the Mission, Some being Turboprop scout planes, Subsonic attack and Electronic Warfare aircrafts, and Supersonic air superiority and Multi-Role fighter, a displacement of 93,000 tons, being beaten by Gary and Nimitz siblings in terms of Tonnage displacement 100,000.

Hornet: *whistle* that's WAY over the Washington treaty.

Enty: Well as soon as the pacific war started and the IJN started sporting heavier warships, the treaty was thrown out of the window.
Any way Most of systems are completely electric or computer controlled.

Illustrious: That can be one large advantage.

Enty: Yup. 

Lazarev: I guess it's my turn then.

Enty: Yup.

Lazarev: My name is Admiral Lazarev originally was called Frunze I belong to the Project 1144 Orlan class of Heavy Missile Cruiser, but the Western Allies refer to me and my sisters as a battlecruiser.

Prince of Wales: why the name change?

Lazarev: Mainly a change of Regime, from a dictatorship to a Federal Republic, anyway, I was designed as a heavy missile cruiser and was transferred to the Russian Pacific Fleet, and my carrier was not that Illustrious or note worthy as Lady Enterprise.

Lazarev said while pointing at Enty.

Lazarev: But me and my sister were famous in the regard that were were specifically built to hunt and destroy US navy carriers.

Enterprise: Is there a reason as to why you built to fight The US carrier fleet?

Lazarev: Well when humans don't have a common enemy, they turn on each other, and we or respective factions were fighting over which Ideology is better, which I don't care.

Enterprise: Preach Sister, and to be honest I am content to doing My job.

Hornet: And what would that be?

Enterprise/Lazarev: Protectors of course.     

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