New Mission

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Deep Blue eyes snapped open.

Somewhere in the pacific, a woman in her Late 30 to early forties got on her feet only find herself in the middle of a carriers flight deck, surrounded by 4 A-6 Intruders, 6 F-14 Tomcats, three E-2 Hawkeye, 7 F-4 Phantom II 8 F/A-18 Super Hornets.

Than she got her attention on her body. 

Enterprise: I'm human!?

She clenched her hand into fists, feeling the pull of her muscle strings, she could feel her new human heart pumping blood into her body.

She than turned he attention on her attire, which consisted on pair of grey camouflage pants, a pair of brown navy boots, a blue short sleeved shirt, and dark blue coat and a baseball cap embroidered with the word USS Enterprise CVN-65, and a picture of her hull and Island. 

To say that Enterprise didn't like her attire was like saying the Nazis could have won WWII(Which is stupid BTW), she loved her attire, and then her hand hand reached her face, she than flinched when she felt her burned skin.

But her train of thought was caught short, when she heard a radio transmission.

???: This is Prince of Wales we are requesting immediate assistance,
Pearl Harbor is under attack, I repeat the Pearl is under attack, by the air craft carries: Akagi and Kaga of the Sakura Empire.

Wait, Prince of Wales, Kaga, Akagi, Pear Harbor under attack, Sakura Empire??
What the hell is going on!? And was Prince of Wales supposed to in Portsmouth waiting for commissioning?      

Enterprise: Guess I'll have to wait and see. 
This is USS Enterprise CVN-65 to Pear Harbor command, I'll arrive to provide support. Over.

And with that, Enterprise turned on her eight nuclear reactors and set course for the pearl at 30 knots.

At Pearl Harbor.

Wales was worried, that now one would answer, but something came through.

???: This USS Enterprise CVN-65 to Pearl Harbor command, I'll arrive to provide support. Over.

Wales: *Sigh* Well it seem's that the Enterprise will arrive to provide support.

But something came to her thought.

Wales: Wait the Enterprise's classification is CV-6 not CVN-65.
What is going on?

Out side the battle was being a hard fought one as the base had been caught of guard by the sudden assault of the two top-carriers of the Sakura empire; Akagi and Kaga.

As Cleveland was boasting at their usage of human technology to fight the sirens, she was interrupted, by Akagi.

Akagi: But there was a split in ideology, where Azur Lane believed fighting the Sirens by using Human technology, another faction believed utilizing the Siren's own technology to fight them, this faction's name is Red Axis.

Than the infamous Fox sister appear.



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As the battle continued Akagi summoned another squadron of A6Ms which were promptly destroyed by a squadron Supermarine Seafire Mk II c

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As the battle continued Akagi summoned another squadron of A6Ms which were promptly destroyed by a squadron Supermarine Seafire Mk II c.

Cleveland: Interceptors?

Cleveland turned her attention towards Unicorn.

Unicorn: Stop Being mean to my friends!

Than her Unicorn toy was enveloped in a blue light and took flight with Unicorn on it's back.

Anyways as Kaga saw this she turned her attention towards Unicorn.

Kaga: That's a carrier? At that size she's not much of a meal.
But prey is prey.

She than picks up her mask which was in the shape of a white fox and red markings, than the mask is enveloped in a blue colored fire turning it to ashes.

And her Hull is enveloped in a blue light and shards which look like Sakura leaves strat forming around it.

And suddenly a nine tailed fox with white fur, red markings like Kaga's mask, and it's nine tail were enveloped in a blue colored fire.

Kaga: Come here, sweet angel.

Than the giant fox's aircraft launch deck rigging take a straight and A6Ms which were enveloped in blue flames take form and launch to attack Unicorn.

Javelin: Oh no you don't!

Than Javelin rises her spear to destroy the Attacking Zeros by creating some electricity, but was unable to do so as she was suddenly pushed away by Laffey whom detected, some torpedoes heading for Javelin, which Laffey proceeds to push out of the way while catching the torpedoes strike herself.

Javelin: Laffey!

Laffey, Don't worry, I'm still combat capable.

Than they turn their attention at a white haired girl with red eye and was sporting a sailor uniform with a pair of knee high boot, this was the Fubuki class destroyer Ayanami .

Javelin: It's you again.

 Ayanami: Sakura Empire, improved Fubuki class destroyer, Ayanami.

She then proceeds to grab her sword and charges at Javelin, and then Ayanami jumps in to the air and strikes at Javelin who held her spear in a to protect herself from Ayanami's attack.

Ayanamy: Taste the power of the demon.

Javelin: Demon?

Ayanami: Because we are enemies.

Ayanami than pull her rigging which held her 5 inch gun and fired it at Javelin.


As the Battle at Pearl Harbor raged on, Enterprise (CVN-65), saw what was going on through her binoculars.

Enterprise: What the hell is going?
No matter.

And with a silent command Enterprise, prepared to launch 1 squadron of F/A-18, Another consisting of F-14 Tomcats for air superiority, and another squadron of A-6 Intruders armed with AGM-65 Mavericks.

Enterprise: All aircraft launch!  

And with that, Big E is back in action. And this time she's here to stay 

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