Bonding Time Part 4: The Enemies Perspective and Orochi

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In the Sakura Empire Headquarters.

While Enty and Lazarev were spending time at the Beach in the Sakura Empire, thing were slightly different while the Azur Lane base of operations was built on an Island the Sakura Empire base seemed to have been built around a Gigantic Cherry Blossom Tree, thing were a Bit Different.

Kuznetsov was walking around the Shopping area of the Base for anything that may catch her Attention, but she Soldiered on, and while she was walking her presence gave of an Oppressive Aura, but Suddenly Crashed to someone, and she got on her Feet Kuznetsov saw that it was the White haired Sakura Empire Destroyer Ayanami.

Kuznetsov: Hello Ayanami.

Ayanami: Hello.

Kuznetov: So what are you doing?

Ayanami: Walking around. You?

Kuznetsov: Same here. Would you like to join me?

When Ayanami heard that she looked at Kuznetsov with Suspicion. And she was right to be weary as the Battlecruiser was far deadlier then anyone she had encountered and she Gave Lazarev probably one of the Most powerful warships she ever met.

Kuznetsov: I won't bite.

Ayanami: Fine.

With Tyrant, Akagi, Kaga, Nagato and her Sister Mutsu.

Nagato: So this is the Final Part of the Project Orochi the Black wisdom cube.

Akagi: Yes. The Shining Beacon for us Sakura empire.

Tyrant who was sticking to the Shadows couldn't but scoff.

Tyrant: More like Yamato 2.0.

Nagato*to Akagi*: But it forced us to make the First move.

Akagi: It was Inevitable.

Akagi Responded calmly as Kaga stepped forward.

Kaga: Major Clashes between us and the Sirens have occurred numerous Times, until now.
And Humanity is Hanging on a Thread and Barely surviving. And Azur Lane's Strategy is Insufficient and will only insure a Slow Death. If Sakura empire were to have a future we must Complete Project Orochi at all Costs.  

Nagato Nodded, but Akagi and Kaga along with Tyrant who was Hiding behind the Gate, saw the Hesitance and Reluctance in Nagato's Eyes.

Nagato: I understand. You are excused.

Akagi: Very well.

And with that, Akagi took the Black wisdom cube and walked out Followed by Kaga, and as For Tyrant well she was already out of Eye-view and was walking down the stairs. And when Kaga and Akagi were out of View of Mutsu and Nagato, Kaga turned towards Akagi with a Furious look.

Kaga: Nagato is still having Hesitation. She Lacks determination.

Akagi: Oh Don't speak so badly about her, She to is driven by a Deep strong love.

Kaga: But, Sister...

Kaga stopped Mid Sentence as She saw Akagi covering her Face with her Left hand.

Akagi: But it wont  be enough, as My love is so strong that it will incinerate the entire world and Still keep burning.

Then Akagi Pulled out the Black wisdom cube and started Petting it.

Akagi: Yes, It is Soon.

Kaga: Dear Sister Akagi...

Then They Head some Clapping, and they turned around to see Tyrant looking at them with deep interest.

???: My My Alagi, I didn't know that you Treachery ran so deep.

Akagi: Oh Tyrant, What brings you here?

She asked like she didn't know what tyrant was talking about.

Tyrant: It is my job to keep My prize safe naughty fox. 

Akagi: And what is your prize Tyrant?

Akagi Asked Slightly Curious.

As Tyrant walked toward the Sister she whispered in Akagi's Ear.

Tyrant: Now that would be telling, and where's the fun in that.
*out loud* And Besides I won't tell a soul as I do admire ones Loyalty to family.

And with that Said Tyrant Left the two Sister and walked away leaving them alone and looking at Tyrant as she left. 

AN: I know that Akagi get a lot of Flak for being called a Yandare but have you people ever wondered that she just needs a hug? Like seriously her big sister died, she was deceived and her younger sister was controlled like a puppet on string. didn't ever occur to you that her being a Yandare is more akin to a Defense mechanism then anything else and have you ever wondered if she needed some love and a Big 'I love you more then the world' Hug?  And wouldn't you folk turn into a Yandare if you went through that shit?

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