Sasaki Vs Itachi/The Crimson Dragon Awakens- Part 1

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3rd Person Pov

In his house Jackson was Cooking some Fried Chicken and His Pet Komodo Dragon Dynamite who like a dog was Sitting by the side waiting for food.

Jackson: "You want some Food?"

He nodded.

Jackson: "Ok. Sit first!"

He sat and he fed him the raw Chicken. Just then there was a knock on the door and Dynamite ran over Hissing at it kind of like a dog.

Jackson: "Coming!"

He ran over to open the Door and got a sight to behold from Naruko and Sasaki becuase their in Matching Dresses which is Strange all by itself.

He ran over to open the Door and got a sight to behold from Naruko and Sasaki becuase their in Matching Dresses which is Strange all by itself

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Naruko: "Hi Jackson!"

Sasaki: "H-Hi Jackson."

Jackson: "Hi girls... Why are you Two Dressed Like That?"

Sasaki: "Naruko talked me into this and I was able to talk her into Letting us Pack a Extra pair of Our Usual Clothes before Coming."

Jackson: "Ok and you can use my bathroom to change if you want."

They Walk inside and Sasaki gave a Sigh of relief.

Sasaki: "Good becuase I'm sick of this Shit!"

She walks off as Naruko followed Her.

Naruko: "Oh come on Sasaki! This is cute! Don't you know that?!"

A Quick Timeskip Presented by Chibi Naruko and Chibi Sasaki Fighting...

They both took a Sit on the Couch as Dynamite was asking for A belly rub which Naruko Happily Provided.

Naruko: "Wow Jackson Your pet is so Cool!"

Jackson: "Thanks! You girls wants some Drinks?"

Naruko/Sasaki: "Sure!/Sure..."

Jackson then opened the window before Getting their Drinks and A hawk flew in with a note to his leg.

Jackson: "What the Hell is that!?"

Naruko: "Its a Note from Lady Tsunade...! It's for you Sasaki!"

Sasaki took the Note and read it quickly only to have a shocked look on her face and Ran off out the door and out of the Village gates.

Jackson: "What in hell is going on with her!?"

Naruko took a Look at the Note, Gasps and Drops it.

Naruko: "Sasaki's going after Her Brother Itachi!"

Jackson: "Who's that?"

Naruko: "Let me explain!"

Time Skip presented by Naruko explaining who Itachi Is...

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