The Akatsuki Group: True World Free of Lies

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"A got damn forced retreat!" Hidan scowled as he sulked three steps behind Kakuzu.

The faithful follower of Jashin looked like a drowned rat, as he begrudgingly trudged through a down pour of rain. "Do you know how many sacrifices just slipped through my fingers for this shit?! How many heathens I was just about to show the might of the way of Jashin."

He stopped again, slamming the butt of his scythe down on the ground and pumping his fist into the wet air

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He stopped again, slamming the butt of his scythe down on the ground and pumping his fist into the wet air. When Kakuzu continued to ignore him and kept walking, Hidan sighed and ran his hand through his wet hair, which was no longer neatly slicked back and instead flopped in a clump of drenched grease down the sides of his face. "Maybe they'll actually stay put until we get back. Ya' think?"

"No. I don't think."

"Those kids were biting at the chop to get that corpse back to their village to try to save it... like a bunch of good little shinobi." Kakuzu did not break stride nor turn around.

He was well covered compared to his partner, so rain never bothered him. Nothing other than money –or the lack there of, ever bothered Kakuzu. Well... that and Hidan, who knew exactly how to get under his skin.

But this time, he did not disagree with his partner. Kakuzu was also anxious to get this part of the job over with. There was no money in sealing tailed beasts. "Do you know how much that corpse was worth? 35 million ryo for the leaf bastard. You got careless in that fight. I warned you. Lose your head again and don't look for any help reattaching it. You better just be glad I can't kill you, myself."

Kakuzu stopped in front of a large hand shaped rock, carved with the intricate patterns of an old Taoist temple. Portions of the surface were covered with bright green moss. The rest was already slick with rain water. "Here's the spot. Let's just get this over with."

He wiped some of the water away and set his briefcase down on the boulder. Hoisting himself up, he sat cross legged next to it.

"So you're OK with this?! Getting yanked from that fight by our oh so venerated leader!" Hidan's voice was becoming as unhinged as his drenched appearance.

"I joined for the money." Kakuzu replied coolly, closing his eyes, so his partner might take a hint. "The Akatsuki bring in plenty of bounty. As long as that's true, I'll listen to Pain. When it's not, I'll leave."

Kakuzu shut out Hidan's deranged bellyaching and began to mediate. With no one else to complain to, Hidan finally shut up and followed suit.

Their essences were pulled to the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Kakuzu stood on the left middle finger and Hidan on the left index finger. They were joined by the essences of the other seven of the Akatsuki group.

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