Seals, Clones, And Fratricide

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Hiashi closed the door to his office. It had been awhile since he convened his entire counsel. The four leaders of the four factions of the branch family, who behind closed doors called themselves the four generals, and their elders, those who they succeeded if they still lived.

The factions were split into the four sections of the Hyuga compound. Hiashi's younger brother, Han, ran neighborhood South and had succeeded his uncle, Hizan, Hiro's younger brother. The other three, Ahn, Shin, and Ko each ran West, East, and North at the discretion of Hiashi. Each general had access to the cage bird seal of the members of their faction, and therefore their byakugans.

"I called this meeting to talk about the news of one of our clan members, who has been found among Orochimaru's collection." Hiashi sat down at the head of the long table. He looked over at his father, who looked back at him with the shimmer of tears in his white eyes. "We believe he may be Hizashi's long lost son... my nephew, Neji, who disappeared when he was barely a year old. Obviously this has to be handled delicately. There has never been a Hyuga who was raised outside of the clan and with full access to their dojutsu."

Hiashi went to his father as soon as Tsunade told him the news. He knew Kakashi's intel was reliable though it seemed impossible for Neji to still be alive. Hiro had taken the loss of his only grandson followed by his second oldest son extremely hard. It visibly aged him a decade in just a few months. Hizashi was never the same after his wife was found dead and his son disappeared. He voluntarily took Hiashi's place when Kumo came for retribution after Hiashi killed one of Hinata's kidnappers twelve years ago. He said he was ready to die and to join his wife and his son. It had been a hard time for their clan and their family. Hiashi feared getting his father's hopes up for nothing.

Hiashi put his hands on the table. "The table is open for discussion."

"Master Hiashi. What is being done to recover the boy?" Ko asked, politely.

"And once he is recovered, how will his presence affect the flow and the solidarity of the clan? He hasn't been trained like the rest of us since birth. The orderly bonds that bind our clan members need to be preserved." Ahn added. "It's how we've maintained."

Hiashi sighed. There was a very good reason why the Hyuga clan was currently the largest clan in the village.  And it had not only survived but remained completely intact to present day. The Senju clan had all but disappeared due to intermarriage within and outside the village. The Uchiha clan of course was exterminated due to arrogance and ambition. Yet the Hyugas, who remained low key, humble and tight knit to the point of exclusivity, had only grown larger.

"I understand he is your nephew but I agree with Ahn. In the past when others have attempted to leave the clan their caged bird seal was activated and their byakugan sealed... the only exception is those sealed to a bijuu." Shin spoke politely but with more conviction than what was expected from a Hyuga ninja.

Hiashi cleared his throat. "I understand the concerns. But the first priority must always be to keep the clan together as one. Once we recover the boy than we can decide how to handle his situation."

"That brings us to your question, Ko. The hokage is already attempting to capture and return Sasuke Uchiha to Konoha. She will allow a Hyuga to accompany all recovery efforts as it appears once Sasuke is captured the boy will follow willingly. Even if the Uchiha is not captured, the boy will likely be present and so will an opportunity to take him by force."

Three months later at Orochimaru's Northern Hideout...

Jugo punched Sasuke with such force that he created a hole in the concrete prison wall. His enormous rock hard fist was barely held back by the larger grotesque hand that grew out of Sasuke's back. The curse mark stretched across the left half of his body distorting his form into a bat like creature.

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