angst: "bad" aspects

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these are just my interpretations. this is for fun and study purposes only. i don't know these people. there are more but they need a little more research.

China's Taurus Saturn squares Cameron's Leo Rising.
I see this as China being a bit of a mentor even though she's not that much older. Saturn is a planet of lessons and Ascendant is outward projection/ mask. The other way I see this is China somehow influencing how others see him.

China's Virgo North Node squares Cameron's Sagittarius Chiron
What I get out of this square is that China may have gone a little far to please (Virgo) Cameron at times. Virgo NNs are people pleasers and their self-worth sometimes depends on it; the fact that her sun in Virgo enforces this. Cameron's freedom (Sagittarius) was threatened by this. One of their aspects (will discuss later) shows me their bond was intense so this tells me that Cameron may have been pulling away at times when things got too much for him.

China's Leo Mercury square Cameron's Scorpio Moon
This reads as a communication (Mercury) issue. This tells me that Cameron would sometimes not be open to receive things China said because it didn't fulfill his emotional (moon) need at the time. What I'm getting is it was probably her tone accidentally coming off a bit abrasive (Leo) causing Cam to shut down (Scorpio). In the event that they had arguments or disagreements, they both probably waited it out then talked later when both of them let all that Leo energy back into the cage.

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