freedom: "harmonious" aspects

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China's Libra Moon trines Cameron's Gemini Mercury
This just simply implies that 9/10 they enjoyed communication (Mercury) with each other and for the most part understood each other. They also FELT (moon) that mutual understanding. They were genuinely interested in what the other had to say.

China's Aquarius Uranus trines Cameron's Gemini Mercury
They understood each other on an intellectual level and their communication was so strong they could finish each other's sentences. Their communication was lit. This is something that pops up over and over again in their synastry. There was a lot of mental stimulation going on.

China's Sagittarius Pluto trines Cameron's Leo ascendant.
In another one of their aspects, it was implied that China influenced how Cameron was seen by other people. This aspect says that again. I really really wish I could have been a fly on the wall when they had conversations. China apparently was a huge influence on him and the way he expressed himself and I'd love to see how. This makes me want to jump into degrees with them and go further 😭

China's Leo Mars trines Cameron's Sagittarius Chiron
This aspect is a little steamy and all over the place. Especially since they're both in fire signs here. I had to research this aspect for a WHILE because it has so many meanings. One theme is healing from bad past relationships through sex??????? The other is needs (Chiron) meeting desires (mars) in a harmonious way. Then also the building of confidence. Going to be honest: I have no blasted idea how to draw a interpretation from this wild ass information. Other parts of their charts do say the bond was intense but they were 20 years old it's hard to believe they were wildin like this. But who knows.

China's Libra Moon trines Cameron's Gemini Sun
They heavily supported each other's emotional expressions. They felt very comfortable crying in front of one another. This makes sense as Libra represents balance and seeing many sides, while Gemini is all about having many sides. They weren't afraid to show each other their scary parts. China's moon is what makes these two compatible because otherwise, Virgos and Geminis don't typically mesh well.

China's Aquarius Uranus trines Gemini Sun
Once again that theme of freedom popping up for the 106372734th time. They often shared their "weird" (Aquarius) thoughts with one another and in that formed inspiration on both ends. Their bond was far from boring. I see here that they never smothered each other. Some aspects imply otherwise so I can see a lot of pushing and pulling with these two. *I've heard two different tarot readings on these two and they both said that whatever romance was there was short-lived but it was definitely there. That came in mind as I was researching their aspects. All of it combined leads me to believe they had a classic on and off relationship and they managed to stay friends in between by keeping an open line of communication

China's Pisces Jupiter trines Cameron's Cancer Venus
This is my favorite of them all.
Jupiter and venus harmonies are all about "bringing out the best in each other". They really loved each other's company together they attracted good luck and happiness. They appreciated each other in both a platonic and romantic way.

Next, I'm going to explore "houses".

the synastry of cameron and chinaWhere stories live. Discover now