the houses

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Once again this is for entertainment and study purposes. Also, this is another one of those things that probably isn't accurate because I'd need their birth times. Just like I need it for the rising sign, the houses get their place by birth times, and their position changes every two hours. Because I believe they are both Leo risings, that would put all their houses in the same position.

Also, this concludes my study as their other placements are sort of minute or repetitive. Please note I may start typing 6H, 4H, etc. Literally just short for whatever house. 1st house = 1H.

⚠️for the 6th house.

1st house - house of self-expression
China's Mercury, Mars, and Venus all fall into Cameron's first house. I've said this over and over again (because it keeps popping up) that the communication between these two was fire. Her Mercury being in his first house shows effortless free-flowing communication. Venus is a lot about looks so China probably often complemented Cameron on his appearance giving him a wall needed ego boost. Her Mars being there shows that he was able to assert himself when needed around her.

Cameron has no influence on China's first house because he has no planets there.

2nd house - house of material things and wealth
China's sun falls into Cameron's 2nd house. All this says is that in a long-term relationship they'd be rich and well duh.

Once again Cameron has no planets here.

3rd house - house of communication
China's moon is in Cameron's 3H which means they felt super comfortable with one another in general. Safe haven almost to vent after a long day or something.

Cameron's Mars falls in China's 3H so he didn't hold back much. Pretty much always said what he needed to say around or to her.

4th house - house of childhood, privacy, and family
Cameron's moon is in China's 4th house meaning he fits in right with her family and had they had a family of their own, it would have been harmonious. Moon actually rules the 4H so this is a good placement.

China has no planets in the 4H.

5th house - house of dating, romance, flirting, creativity, and hobbies
Both of them have Pluto in each other's 5H. So they enjoyed creative outlets together (hence the 764733 movies they did together). Also apparently there's simmering sexual attraction with this placement. In the event they went there, it was not a casual endeavor as they both take the act very seriously. Just overall heavy passion in both sex and creativity.

⚠️6th house - house of health and work
China's Neptune falls in Cameron 6H. Balancing their friends and work schedule was sort of hard since they both took their craft seriously. ⚠️ The placement of Neptune in the 6th house implied that one of both of them deals with chronic illness.

7th house - house of partnership, relationships, marriage, and contracts
This is a little juicy. With both of them having Uranus in each other's (Aquarius) 7H, it implies that people around them (referring to nonfamily members ) didn't like the idea of them as a couple 😧😧😧. Likkkeee... If they dated they'd have to get new friends. This makes me think about the descendant's cast but I won't go there.

In general, there's an overall "unusualness" with their dynamic. They met in an unusual way, they both have different backgrounds (race/religion). It is also possible that they loved each other quickly while still being a little detached and inconsistent. This makes sense as they were actors living across the country from each other at times. Basically whatever their relationship was whether it be romantic or not it strayed from the typical.

Cameron's Neptune is also in China's 7H. Neptune can be a little delusional. So in the event, there was something off between them it's possible that Cameron ignored it for the sake of keeping the "fantasy alive".

8th house - house of intimacy, sex, joint ventures, and death
China's Jupiter lands in Cam's 8H. Powerful placement. Gives China the ability to ease over things that feel heavy for Cameron. This house is about give and take and Jupiter is a planet of luck. This just means they'd be really good in the event they had decided to get married.

9th house - house of adventure, travel, religion, spirituality
Cameron's Jupiter is in China's 9H. Jupiter rules the 9H so once again, a good placement. Since China has no planets here and this is a pretty independent house, I take this as Cameron being well-traveled and if given the opportunity he'd be Chinas Aladdin and show her the beauty of the world.

10th house - house of pubic image, success, reputation, career
They both have Saturn in each others 10H. Saturn rules the 10H but instead of it being harmonious it can go good or bad. Basically, they have a strong effect on how the public views the other. I'd say it's pretty positive as most people just wanted them together.

11th house- groups, society, and large corporations, popularity, technology, social media
Cameron's sun and mercury are in Chinas 11H. So what I see is China's not too fond of groups of people she doesn't know personally. But when Cameron is with her, she feels more comfortable because he tends to thrive in these situations. Cam's mercury being there could also mean him speaking on her behalf to groups of unfamiliar people? Like her help her get her points across when she stumbles.

12th house - secrets, hidden self, the unconscious
Cameron's venus in China's 12H. At first, I interpreted this as a secret love affair as Venus is the planet of love but then I did my research. But what it was: China felt accepted by Cameron without her having to explain herself too much. He understood her need to be secretive at times.


Thank you. Hope you enjoyed!

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