Year 13 Begins...

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Dan's POV:

Day one of year 13.. Whoopee...
I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears, but I was completely deflated. I couldn't move, I was so tired. My mum swung around the door while my alarm was still bleeping, she yelled "Daniel! Come on, you're going to be late!". I pulled the duvet over my head and mumbled, "Mum... Five more minutes...". "Dan, come on, it's your first day!", mum replied, yanking the duvet from the bed and switching my alarm off, leaving me in a ball of groggy tiredness and misery. I finally dragged myself out of bed to find my uniform sitting at the bottom of my bed with my shirt and blazer hung up on my door handle. I lazily got up, put it on, barely tying my tie and my shoes on the wrong feet as I checked my hair to see if it was okay, which it was. I noticed my shoes and fixed them, I went downstairs and got myself a slice of toast. My mum came behind me and turned me around to make last minute checks to see if I was in order. She fixed my tie, buttoned up my top button and pushed my fringe slightly aside. "Dan, I know you've had a rough summer, but try and make an effort today, okay?", she said, fixing my blazer and kissing my cheek as she went out of the room. I fixed my hair once again, undid my top button and slid my schoolbag over my shoulder to go to the bus stop. "Bye, mum!", I shouted as I closed the door. The clear sky and nippy air, due on the grass and the tar on the driveway dry... Your average early September morning. I felt the chill nibbling at my fingers, so I took out my gloves and put them on. I saw a few neighbours on their way to the bus stop as well, but I walked on the side of the pavement where it was peace and quiet, not being trampled over by those boys with muck on their shoes.

I sat down on the little bench at the bus stop, pulled out my MP3 player and put in my earphones. I was slightly distracted by the other boys, pushing eachother into the bush behind the bus stop, but tried to ignore them. When the bus came, I let them go first, so I wouldn't be ran over by the boys who always wanted the back seat of the bus before anyone else. I sat in the seat just behind the very front at the window, where I could draw on the condensation on the window. The bus filled up eventually, full of kids throwing paper balls around the bus, first years with their schoolbags bigger than them with water bottles in the side pockets and their uniforms perfect. I finally got to school, I managed to shuffle past everyone to get out. When I went into the locker area, there was a new face... A face I had never seen before in the school.. He was pale, quite tall, about the same height as me, thin, but not too thin, he had ice blue eyes, black hair that hung just half way over his right eye, he wore a khaki green parka jacket with brown fur on the hood, blue and black striped gloves and black skinny jeans with red Converse. He must be new to the school. The bell rang and I went to form room, everyone shuffled around, trying to get good seats, but I sat in the seat I always sat in since first year. Just one seat from the very back. That was when I saw him again, the new boy. "I'm sorry, is this Miss Payne's classroom?", he said, quizzically. Miss Payne smiled and said, "Yes. Choose a seat anywhere you like.". He scanned the room looking for a good seat, when he saw the empty one beside me.

Phil's POV:

I scanned the room, looking for somewhere for a seat, and I finally saw one, but when I saw who was sitting next to it, I was mesmorised. The boy had hazel brown eyes, slightly tanned skin and brown hair which swooped just below his browline. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?", I said to him. "No! Go ahead!", he smiled. I smiled back and sat down, plopping my schoolbag at my feet. "I'm Phil, Phil Lester.", I introduced, holding out my hand. "Nice to meet you! I'm Dan Howell.", he said, shaking my hand. Miss Payne was talking about school rules and such, but I was more interested in getting to know Dan. "You're not from this school, are you?", Dan asked. "No, I came from Manchester.. As you can see, I have no uniform yet.", I chuckled. "Oh, I see. Why did you move?", he asked me. "Bullying...", I replied, looking at the desk. "Oh... I'm sorry... Well, you'll like it here, the school's very nice, just avoid the bigger boys, they're like animals.", he replied, making me laugh as he laughed as well. "Oh, I will!", I replied. "Listen, if you don't know your way around the school, maybe I can show you.", he said, smiling at me. "Sure! Are you in any of my classes?", I asked, having no clue about the school whatsoever. "Give me your timetable, I'll check.", Dan said as I gave it to him. "You're in all my classes! Great! Just stick with me, you'll get to know the school in no time.", he said, giving it back to me. I took it and out it in my coat pocket. "Miss Payne?", Dan asked. "Yes, Daniel?", she replied. "May I show Phil around for the rest of form room? It'll only take the last five minutes.", I asked. "Of course you can, Daniel. How nice of you!", she smiled as me and Phil took our bags and headed out the door. As we walked down the corridors, we got chatting and it turned out we had a lot in common! We were as geeky as eachother, we both love animals, Pokémon, video games, TV shows and so much more. It was like I met my twin.

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