A U T H O R ' S N O T E

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Hello everyone! I've decided to start writing about different people for fanfictions instead of Jimmy Page, so you might have noticed I decided to write about Ian Curtis. I guarantee most of you probably don't have a good knowledge on who he is (as Joy Division is a little underrated in my opinion), so I'll explain.

Ian Curtis was the lead singer for Joy Division from 1976 up to his suicide in 1980, and after his suicide, the members of Joy Division went on to form New Order. Ian Curtis was very young when he died, and was only 23 when he died. He was known for his onstage dancing and his songwriting, which is very incredible in my opinion. The reason why he was known for his onstage dancing was because of how he would dance like he was having an epileptic seizure, except standing up. Ian did this because he had epilepsy himself, and also struggled with depression as a result of the medication he was taking.

I recently got the idea for this fanfiction, and the main idea that popped in my head was, "What if there was a person who could've helped Ian?". Then, voíla. My fanfiction was born.

As Ian's epilepsy started happening in April 1978, I've decided to have my fanfiction take place around that time. As this is a fanfiction, I've decided to leave out the fact that at the time this book takes place, Ian was actually married. I figured it would be better for him to just stay single in this fanfiction.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy, even if you have never heard of Joy Division. If you haven't, I recommend them. Their music is amazing.

(also, here is an important note. expect to see bernard sumner being referred to as "barney" and stephen morris referred to as "steve". peter hook just stays "peter". peter is joy division's bassist, barney is the guitarist, and stephen morris is the drummer.)

D I S O R D E R // IAN CURTISWhere stories live. Discover now