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There's nothing else in this world that Baekhyun likes more than sucking cock. Getting down on his knees, feeling the thick burn bumping against the back of his throat and hands in his hair, gripping hard. Knowing that he's this close to choking and not giving a fuck because it's the closest thing to a high he can imagine. It just feels so good. He's addicted and if that makes him easy then so be it. It turns him on like nothing else.

Which is how he ends up in this filthy club on a Sunday night, leaning back against the bar with a glass of something he can't name in his hand (is it his fifth? Sixth? He can't remember) and his eyes on the hottest guy to ever wear leather pants that he's seen in years; as he laughs and dances with his friends in the middle of the sparkling club floor. Baekhyun is enthralled. He's got to know his name before it kills him. A pseudonym will do. Initials even. Just something so Baekhyun knows what to moan when he's sucking on the massive cock he can see lying underneath that far too thin set of pants. God, he's breathless at just the thought.

Pushing off the counter he downs the rest of the glass in one go and makes his way to the dancefloor, shoving through the sweaty, grinding bodies until he's behind the (holy fuck he's tall) guy and can slot in behind him, sliding his hands around his hips and moving with the other man's rhythm. This is the town's only gay club and come on; Baekhyun pulls the move off like a pro. That earns him a quick glance over one shoulder from the stranger and to Baekhyun's ultimate surprise... he grins.

Oh. Yes.

The man leans forward to shout something over the thrum of the beat to his friend and then turns around fully, luscious mouth curving into a smirk that would have had Baekhyun on his knees in a heartbeat if it were somewhere private. Fuck. Up close his hair is dark red like sin itself.


Baekhyun looks up into those dark eyes and bites his lip, hands straying to the tall stranger's hips. "Hey yourself." He sways to the techno shit that's blaring, knowing just how good he looks in his own black jeans and mesh top. Junmyeon's exasperated comment about him dressing like a twenty dollar hooker as he left the apartment rings in his ears and it makes him grin as Chanyeol's eyes dip from his face to his chest; nipples prominently visible through the see-through material. Baekhyun subtly drags his hand from the cut of the gorgeous hipbone he can feel to the thick bulge between the other man's legs and licks his lips.


The taller man groans at the contact, pupils dilating in the strobe lighting. "Not anymore."

"Good." God, he's so easy. Baekhyun should be awarded a gold star for his ability to pick them. He's never once been wrong. Even though Junmyeon swears he's waiting for the day then Baekhyun returns home from a night out with a black eye from an advance gone wrong.

But he's never once been wrong. And tonight's not that night either.

Baekhyun stretches up on his tiptoes. "Come with me?" He punctuates his words with a squeeze to the rapidly-hardening cock he can feel under his hand. His lips brush the other man's ear, purring. "I'll make it worth your while."

That earns him a long inhale and the man grips his waist for a moment as if deciding, then he leans in, kissing Baekhyun. Hard.

God. Baekhyun moans, grabbing the back of the stranger's head as his lips are parted and a confident tongue slips between them, lapping at his own. He pushes close, pressing against the taller body, sparks of heat shooting between his legs as he sucks on that tongue. If they weren't in public he'd wrap a leg around this guy's hip and beg to be fucked right now. Fuck.

The techno beat is what breaks him out of the haze, pulling back with a gasp. Public. Club. Right. He doesn't want to be arrested, horny as he might be. Grabbing the guy's hand he drags him to the side entrance past the bar and out the back into a disgusting alleyway that's served him so well in the past. He might as well have his name gratified on the brickwork for all the times he's clutched at them, panting like a bitch in heat for whoever would let him go down on them.

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