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Lucy's POV
I yawn as I wake up in someone else's bed "H-Huh! What the- what happened last night? Where am I?" I ask as I look to see myself naked "And why am I naked?" I try and look for my clothes when I lay over a body so I look to see Natsu laying there naked as well, Natsu my crush "N-Natsu!"

Suddenly I remember all the events happening last night and I gasp and get up to get dressed and leave the house in a rush embarrassed of him finding out hopefully he doesn't remember, this has already happened twice, we've done this three times in three years, I've already head two of his children in secret with Levy and Juvia's support! Hopefully he doesn't remember this time...

Juvia's POV
I wale up to feel cold air rush against my skin, and to see myself naked, I try to get up but someone holds me down, I look to see my love Gray-Senpai naked as well next to me "Gray?" I whisper to myself as I feel my face heat up.

I try to remember what happened last night, all I could remember was drinking to celebrate our win at the grand magic games and think back to two years ago when we did "it" and now it was happening again!

So as much as I love Gray-Senpai I'm not sure if he would want me to carry his children yet and I'm scared because I don't want to get rid of his son and if I am pregnant again I don't want to get rid of this one ether! So I squeeze out of his hug and put my clothes one and rush out the door closing it and going to the only two I can trust right now, Levy and Lucy as she wasn't my love rival no more she loved Natsu now!

Levy's POV
I open my eyes and see that in am not in my bedroom, but I do remember it oh no please don't tell me I look over to see Gajeel Naked and I'm naked, we did it again, and by again I mean we had a child two years ago that he doesn't know about!

I know it's wrong keeping that from him but I was scared if he would want me to abort it, so Lucy, Juvia, and I helped each other hide out pregnancies as best as we could, and helped all of us make an excuse on the 5 month of why we couldn't be there for a few months, we also did the same thing when Lucy was pregnant last year!

I started to freak out so I quietly slid out of bed and get my clothes on and leave the house.

Erza's POV
I get up from bed and when I step on the floor I realize that this wasn't my room, was I kidnapped!

I then remember last night and how me and J-Jellal! I slowly turn my head to the bed, and see Jellal naked, I then notice I was naked as well "O-Oh ummm...." I quietly say and quickly got my clothes back on with my magic and left the house.

What do I do? who can I go to? wait what if I'm!? And what if he wants me too!? No I can't kill a life that hasn't even been born yet, that isn't me!! But who do I talk to? I can't go to Natsu he'll blurt it out in less than a day.... Gray? No he'll faint. Lucy? Yeah I can trust her, she'd understand and she'll help me! I mean sure she hasn't been in this situation but she can help.

I thought and decided to go to Lucy's house to ask for her help.

Freed's POV
I wake up to feeling a strong grip around my torso and see very muscular arms around my body, so my first reaction is to struggle to get out and eventually I pop out of there but the arms then hold my legs hostage, I then see locks of blonde hair.

I finally realize it was Laxus! And he was naked! I was naked! And my bottom really hurt.... I was freaking out! Did we have sex?

I was scared, surely Laxus was straight he was most likely drunk like I was and it just happened, but I actually liked Laxus more than a friend so I got scared and quickly squeezed my legs out of his grip and moved past his head on the pillow and got my clothes on that were scattered one the floor then left.

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