Getting ready for Games Pt 2

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Yukimo's POV
We had finally made it to Crocus and signed into our lodge that we had taken, of course since we're the weakest guild we got the smallest Lodge.

When we signed in we were all separated into rooms Me and Alex shared one, we had a one bed bedroom, all our kids shared three, they had four beds in each room, Lucy shared one room with her kids, four beds in that one, Levy and Juvia shared one with their kids, again four, then Erza, Freed, Rouge and their kids shared one, a four bed room, so me and Alex did have the smallest room, and we had to set up cribs in most the rooms because the octuplets were still 1 years old only, the triplets were only 2, and the others were fine.

Once we all we're done unpacking we decided to meet in the lobby to go and explore the city, of course my little runaway friends put stuff to cover there faces with as well as their old marks with. The children didn't question it because it was hot and they did the same with them because of over protective mothering instincts.

But who could blame them, I did the same with my kids, put sunscreen on and made them wear hats, anything to protect them from sunburn.

We then headed out and explored, we went to stores, stopped by a restaurant, and even got to look around the arena.

But there was a problem......... I seemed to be lost and lost the group "Shoot I lost them....." I sigh and go to look around when I run into someone "Oww!" I fall to the ground.

"Ah sorry let me help you up!" The mans voice calls out to me and he puts a hand in front of me.

I take the hand "Thank you, and I'm sorry too." I apologize and look to see his face, he had Salmon pink hair, and Black eyes, but I noticed something on his shoulder a mark "Fairytail?" I asked to myself as I saw the marking clearly.

He looked at me funnily "Oh yeah, I'm a Fairytail wizard, who are you?" He asked me and I looked at him.

"I'm Yukimo the Master of the WolfMoon guild." I state who I was.

"Oh yeah I heard about the new guild, and your the guild master? You must be powerful then!" He exclaims "I'm Natsu and this is my friend Happy!" He points to the blue and white walking cat on the ground.

"A cat? What is he, or she, whats there gender?" I asked and he looked at me.

"I'm a boy! And I'm a exceed!" The talking cat smiles at me and I smile back.

"Exceed I've never heard that term before, interesting, so who are you two in the guild?" I asked Natsu and Happy, suspecting he was in the guild as well.

"Oh we're just regular wizards, tho we're one of the teams in the games, do you have two teams playing or one?" He asks me and I reply.

"No we don't, I'm hoping the games will help promote our guild, and I'm hoping that our members are strong enough, I have faith in them tho!" I smile at him and he smiles back.

"It's good that a master has faith in her Guild members, Fairytails like a family to me...... which is why I wonder why they left...." he says sadly.

"Who left?" I asked thinking of only a few people I know but try and play it cool.

He looked up at me in shock "Oh sorry, it's just........ four years ago, five of our members left and another member left our friends guild Sabertooth..." he explained and I had one thing on my mind is he talking about Lucy, Juvia, Erza, Levy, Freed, and Rouge? "There names were Rouge from Sabertooth, then the rest were from Fairytail Freed, Erza, Juvia, Levy, and..... Lucy..." he explains and it seemed like my prediction was right, I look down to see Happy crying slightly.

I bend down and wipe his tears "What happened to them." I say already knowing the real story but wanted to know his perspective.

"They just vanished without a trace.....Rouge left a note for Sting his best friend to take care of his Exceed Frosch.... I still wonder where they are to this day..... I haven't stopped looking for them tho! I won't stop at nothing to find them!" Natsu states happily and I smile.

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