The Fox

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Juvia's POV
Me and Gray-Sama decided it was best for the kids to get to know their father, so we brought Storm and Willow out to the town to do some stuff with Gray-Sama.

They were currently playing ball in the park while I was sitting on the bench, that's when I noticed some guys all cornering something in a alley way.

I head over to see what it was when I noticed they were hitting a poor little fox with some rocks "Hey leave that poor animal alone!" I yell at them and they turn to me.

"Stay out of it Lady, this is none of your business." One of the guys say.

"What business is there, it looks like just a baby fox what harm could it do?!" I yelled and one of the guys stepped forward to me.

"Look lady if you don't stay-." He was cut off by my Gray-Sama who just came in with the kids.

"Do we have a problem here?" He asks with a cold glare on his face. He looked so cute with that look on his face.

"Yeah shes intruding on personal business that she isn't included in." Anothe guy says "Control your wife, man!" He snaps at him and I felt my face heat up.

He thought me and Gray-Sama were married! "What makes you think we're married!" He said with a red face.

"You have kids together idiot, it's obvious! Now scram." He shoos us, but Willow rushes past them and grabs the baby fox.

"YOU WON'T HURT THIS PRECIOUS ANNEMAL!" She yelled as she runs off.

"HEY KID! THAT THING ISN'T WHAT YOU THINK IT IS! ITS A C-." I quickly grabbed Storm, Me And Gray running off after Willow "HEY WAIT! LET ME EXPLAIN!" He yells as we run off.

Later No Ones POV
The kids were looking after the fox, as the adults were discussing what to do with the Six destroyers.

"It's okay Foxy, you will be fine!" Willow says patting the fox on the head.

"Say Kokla could you do anything about this, since you're also a fox?" Yuvrin asks his companion.

"Hmmm maybe." Kokla says and switches to his fox form.

He speaks in fox language to try and communicate with the small creature but it doesn't reply "Why isn't it talking?" Star asks.

"Hmmm maybe because it's a baby, it doesn't know how to talk yet. I don't know how old it is." Kokola says circling it and sniffing it.

With the adults
"So if Betty and Samson were in town, and if they're two members of the six destroyers then the other destroyers may be in town as well." Erza lists a possibility.

"Yeah but how strong can they be? I mean two of their members are literal kids." Natsu shrugs.

"Well Diane and Rena, as much as I hate to admit it, but they are very powerful wizards, so I wouldn't doubt them." Yukimo leans on table.

"Why do you think they haven't attacked yet? Well besides that one incident." Wendy asks.

"Those guys love to plan ambushes, so they're probably planning one now." Alex begins "But it will be hard considering we now know they're here. Well at least two of their members are here."

"I think it would be best to ask the mayor of the village to set a curfew when to be in the houses for everyone's safety." Levy suggest.

"Agreed." Lucy nods, and Yukimo writes that down, setting a reminder for herself.

Gajeel groans "Those guys are such pussies, just show yourselves and fight us." Gajeel hangs his head low.

Elfman adds on "Yeah like a real man!"

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