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(Unknown location)

The figure: three down one to go until the start of my army.

??1: you're forgetting two things.

The figure: and what would those be?

??1: 1. you have to convince them to join you.

The figure: there's already two that are already close to breaking, and the other two will follow.

??1: 2. when you get stronger, I do to.

The man snapped the chains that restrained him.

The figure: GET HIM NOW.

Two creatures hobbled towards the man. Flames started to surround him, when the creatures reached him the flames fully engulfed him. Once the flames disappeared it was revealed that the man also disappeared. The figure yelled out in anger and walked over the other chained man and wrapped it's hand around his throat.

The figure: if you ever think of pulling a stunt like that it will be the end of you.

??2: I...I p-promise *cough* I w-would never.

The figure let go walked back towards the pedestal that holds the book the figure has it's eyes on at all times.

(In town)

Tegan was walking down the street trying to let out some steam over everything that had happened that morning. She understood the concerns that Adam and Connor had about Kairi, but she had a gut feeling that she was trustworthy, and so far that had always been right.

Tegan started to notice people on the street staring at something or someone behind her. She turned her head to see that there was a man in a suit walking and staring right at her. Tegan turned back and started to run. She tried to lose him in the crowd, when she couldn't see him anymore she went into alleyway to catch her breath. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and went she turned she saw the man in the suit.

She tried to scream and run away, but just couldn't, it was like her whole body just shut down. The man lent closer to her ear and whispered.

??: I need your help.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little red light and placed it on her neck. She felt two needle like teeth go into her neck, she wanted to to slap whatever it was and make a run for it but she still couldn't. Flames started to come from the ground and surrounded her and the man, when the flames faded she said the man were in a completely different location.

(In Tegan's and Dakota's room)

Kairi and Dakota were talking, trying to take their minds off of what had happened, until Kairi asked.

Kairi: sooo, why do you trust me and not Connor, I'm not saying that you shouldn't trust me, but you can't trust me just because Tegan does and not trust Connor when Adam does.

Dakota: it's a long story.

Kairi: we have time before any classes.

Dakota: well, when I started here I had just came here from New Zealand, so I didn't have any friends. The only people who gave me the time was Adam and this girl named Shayna. Now, the next part I haven't told anyone but Adam and Tegan, so you better not tell anyone else or I will kill you.

Kairi: I promise I won't tell anyone.

Dakota: I-I'm bi.

Kairi: WHAT.

Dakota covered her mouth with her hand and gave Kairi a death stare before moving her hand back.

Kairi: sorry, you can continue.

Dakota rolled her eyes.

Dakota: as I said, I'm bi and I found myself being attracted to Shayna. When I was about to tell her how I felt, she joined Becky's group. A few months later she left for a another school, and from what I've heard she has a girlfriend named Rhea.

Kairi: ok, but what does that have to do with Connor.

Dakota: I might have a.... What the hell, FIRE.

Dakota pointed down at the floor where a small fire started going up her body right to her head.

Kairi: DAKOTA.

Once the fire cleared Dakota wasn't there. Kairi at first, broke down into, but once she thought about for a second a small smile came across her face.

Kairi: he's free.

Kairi smiled to herself as she realized the only man who could beat the figure was free.

(In Adam's and Connor's room)

Adam was getting changed for his classes in the bathroom when he heard the door opened. He left the bathroom to the main part of the room where Connor was now lying in his bed.

Adam: hey.

Connor: hey.

Adam: where'd you go.

Connor: just to town.

Adam: did you see Tegan?

Connor: no, why.

Adam: she stormed out of here when me and Dakota started arguing.

Connor: why were you two arguing.

Adam: it doesn't matter.

Adam sat down on the bed and looked at Connor.

Adam: what is it.

Connor: what.

Adam: I can tell you want to say something.

Connor: ok fine, in the vision after the figure did what it did to you and Tegan, it moved to Dakota and started to lick her face and do other things before I got snapped out of it.

Adam: what.

Connor: yeah, I don't know what it means.

Adam: I do.

Connor: what

Adam: don't play around like that, it's obvious that you have a......

Tegan and Dakota bursted into the room and dragged the boys by their arms.

Adam: where are we going?

They got no answer. When they turned a corner there was a giant fireball in the hallway which they walked into.

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