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So this is the final chapter, enjoy!




I wake up and see that i'm cuddling Dave, I look around and then remember that we had that party. Why am I on the sofa?

I get off the sofa and go to my room and have a shower. I smell like liquor and other stuff, ew.

Zaks POV

I wake up and see Darryl next to me, I notice I'm naked. What happ- Did- I did didn't I? I-I, Ok Zak calm down, I would of been worse if he wasen't the love of your life. I just lost my v-card to a muffin. PFFFFT! 

I giggle and get out of bed and have a shower.

Time skip when everyone is having B-fast 3RD POV

A6D: "What happened last night? I have a massive headace"

Snugly: "It's best you don't know what happened"

Techno: "Tell us!"

Lilith: "Go on Snugly show em'"

Nora: "Show them! Show them!"

Aura, Nora and LIlith started chanting "Show them".

Snugly: "OK FINE WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP!" Snugly says annoyed

Darryl: "Someone didn't wake up on the right side of the bed" darryl says chuckling

Snugly: "But Darryl, I wasen't the one fucking last night" snugly says smugly

A6D: "WHAT?!" He exlaimes in shock

All the girls burst out laughing as Zak's and Darryls face turned red. Snugly pulled out her phone and showed the video of Vincent and Dave kissing. Both of them blushed hard. The girls laughed harder than ever, Nora on the floor at one point.

Snugly: "Y-You should see your faces"

Techno: "Delete the video!!!"

Snugly: "FINE!"

Snugly sent the videos to the group chat of Nora, Aura and Lilith. She showed Dave deleting the video. The girls start laughing again.

A6D: "Whats so funny?"

All the girls: "NOTHING!" They reply way to quickly.


Lilith: "Stopbreakingthefourthwallsnuglyitsnotfunnyjustbecauseyouretheauthordosentmeanyoucandoit!" (Stop breaking the fourth wall Snugly its not funny just because you're the author dosen't mean you can do it!)

Darryl: "What the heck..."

Nora: "Thats Snugly and Lilith for ya!"

Zak stands up, everyone looks at him.

Zak: "Lets go to the theme park!"

Everyone: "YES!!"

Aura: "Last ones to thats down stairs at the door has to kiss!"

Everyone ran upstaires,Snugly wanting to be last just walked. She didn't care at all. Everyone got their stuff and Vincent and Snugly were last.

Aura: "You have to kiss!"

Snugly: "Eh"

Snugly grabs Vincent and hugs him tight and kisses his shoulder why saying "I love you big bro friend!" Everyone awed.

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