"Send the details" (Short)

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It's been 2 weeks since the incident happened. Snugly is ok and she's sitting on the sofa looking down at her toes. Zak walks in and sees her there and walks up to her and plops down.

Zak: "Hey snugly can I tell you something?"

Snugly nods

Zak: "It's my birthday on Saturday"
S: "Oh cool"

Zak: "I've invited 2 of my friends and since they don't know you very well I'm letting you invite 3 of your friends."

S: "Really?!?" She stood up very fast in excitement and then gripped her stomach in pain.

S: "I should really stop doing that" she said as she sat down.
Z: "Well A6D and Technoblade is coming"
S: "Yay!"
Z: "Well text your friends and see if they can come"

Snugly nods and slowly gets up and walks to her room.

Snugly POV

I can't believe that Zak would let me invite my friends as well!! Plus Techno and A6D are coming!! I gotta try to make them kiss! Let's text Nora first!

I walk over to my bed and grab my phone and open Whatsapp and find Nora's contact.

Snugly: Hey Nora, it's been a while since we have talked

Nora: It has. I haven't seen you in ages, so what's up?

Snugly: My friend is having a party and he asked me if I wanted to bring some friends.

Nora: So you want me to come to your friends birthday?

Snugly: Yeah. Do you wanna come?

Nora: Sure why not? I haven't seen you in ages!

Snugly: Yay! Thanks, Nora! I need to go on to the next person.

Nora: Send me the details later.

Snugly: Will do!

She goes off Nora's contact and scrolls to find liliths contact.

Snugly: Hey killer buddy.

Lilith: Hey what's up? And don't call me that.

Snugly: Fine...

Lilith: What do you want? Need help killing someone XD?

Snugly: Not today! I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to my friends birthday!

Lilith: Sure! I'll be there just send the details later! I need to find my target.

Snugly: Good luck with that! Don't get caught!

Lilith: I won't! Bai.

Snugly: Goodybai.

She exits out if her contact and gets a text.

Aura: Hey snugly! How's life? 

She clicks on the text.

Snugly: Meh rn but I wanna ask you something.

Aura: Ask away!

Snugly: So do you want to come to a friends bday? Nora and Lilith are coming!

Aura: Yass ofc I do!!

Snugly: Great! I'll send the details later.

Aura: K Snugly Bai!!

Snugly: Bai!

I turn off my phone, put in on charge and fall asleep.

Sorry if it's too short! I had no ideas for this but I still wanted to make a cheaper. I hope you enjoyed! ÙwÚ.

Word count: 470

Bai guys! Snugly out!

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