5. Please take good care of me.

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Katsuki was early as usual. We were just sitting there, staring out the window while I was humming a soft tune. Apparently, he was paying more attention to me than I thought because the moment I was off key he made a comment about it. Making me pout and setting off a small explosion. He jumped slightly, clearly not expecting it.

Everyone that had entered the classroom by that time looked at us but Bakugo just ignored them by looking out the window again. Whispering curse words at me under his breath. I was cussing back just as hard.

We are pulled from our friendly bickering by a redhead sitting down on our desk. We look up at Kiri and he gives us a small wave.

"Morning, shall I take her from you?"

"Why would I give her to you?"

'D'aaaw, don't tell me you like my company?!'

He growls softly and takes Kiri's hand as I switch from the hothead to the manliest man on earth. Though I notice the changes in heartbeats when they touch. Could it be...?

'Good morning Kiri!'

"Morning Miki. How are you today?"

'I am still bodyless but fine none the less. What about you?'

"I had a great workout yesterday! And I redid my hair."

Kiri walks to his own desk and sits down while making small talk with me. The sweet boy that he is blushes when I compliment his quirk and how manly he is.

Aizawa enters the classroom, he is about to start home room and thankfully everyone shuts up when he does.

"As some of you might have noticed we have a new student."

Everyone is looking around, looking for me and I can't help but laugh loudly, making Kiri smirk softly.

"Miki will be joining us from now on. The reasons for this transfer will be none of your business. The only problem is that she doesn't seem to have a body. Who has her right now?"

Kiri stands up and grins at the others.

"She's with me."

"Introduce her."

'Mind if I take control?'

He shakes his head and I take control from him. With a bright smile I look at Aizawa.

"I practiced a little with Bakugo and now I can switch control at will."

He slightly nods his head at me and I turn to the rest of the class.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mikaela but call me Miki. Please take care of me while I get used to things around here."

I smile at them and bow slightly but I can feel Kiri grow more uncomfortable with every second. So I let him retake control.

'Thank you.'

"No problem Miki."

"Anyway, Miki here has amnesia so she doesn't remember where she came from. So be good classmates and take care of her. Last night she spend with Bakugo. Today she will spend with... a woman. Just... who of the girls would like to take her for the day?"

'What am I? A dog? I want Midoriya to take me.'

"Ehm, Sensei? She would like Midoriya to take care of her for the day."

The lazy teacher seems to think it over before nodding his head. Probably trusting my judgement.

"Very well... Midoriya, she'll be your problem for the day."

Bodyless. A bnha x oc storyWhere stories live. Discover now