15. Finishing training.

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The week of working on our quirks was mostly spend on martial arts and flexibility training. At least by me. Every night I would try out different things with my quirks. Mostly on Shoto but he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he said that he quite enjoyed himself.

At this point we have learned a few things about my quirks. Let's go through them, shall we?

Possession is still the same. I can put myself into another person their body and take full control of that body. I can even use their quirk and remember their muscle movements.

Siren is something we've played around with a lot. We've learned that by giving a person a kiss I can give commands. The time my control holds depends on the time I kiss the person and on the command I give. If the command is completed the control fades away. I can also only give one command at a time. There is a loophole though. Sometimes I can sneak a second command in if I think about my wording long and hard enough.

My shadow leap is also something we're tried multiple things with. The only things that seemed to work was pulling Shoto to me by pushing my own arm through, grabbing him and pulling him to me. I can also pull his arm through and lock him in place like that. We also noticed that when his arm is pulled through far enough that his arm exits through the other shadow, that he can't use his quirk. It's like he is cut off for some reason.

Now I might not be too thrilled with my Siren quirk but what I've learned about my Shadow Leap is definitely something I can use in combat. I can lock people into place and then kick their asses.


I pulled Aizawa to the side when everyone else was on a small break and tried out the moves he showed me throughout the past week. It turns out that my memory was of great help to me in this case since I only needed to try a move once or twice to make it work for me. And by that, I mean that it felt natural for me to dodge that way or to counterattack someone else their punches. Aizawa called it my 4th quirk, but that would be impossible, right?

Long story short: Aizawa was very pleased.

"Good job, Miki. The exam will be in 2 days and I think you can learn a lot from spending the rest of the day with Ojiro. He focuses on martial arts, but he has been going through his basics. Possess him and save his movements in your memory."

"I will, but... do you realize that I'm like Izuku at this point? He has been copying Katsuki and Iida for a while now. It's funny, really..."

"He still doesn't trust you, huh?"

"The last look he gave me was a glare and since I told everyone the truth, he has been completely ignoring me. I think he hates me at this point..."

"He'll come around, don't worry about it too much."

"What do I have to do then? Take one of those fucking bullets for him?!"

At this point everyone entered the gym and, unfortunately for me, they heard the last thing I said.

"You're not taking a fucking bullet for anyone!"

Katsuki walked up to me and shook my shoulders.

"Do you hear me?!"

I just lowered my eyes and didn't answer him. After all, I might have to do just that.

"What bullets were you talking about anyway?"

Aizawa pries the boys' hands from my shoulders and makes me face him.

"Tell me, Miki. What bullets?"

I break eye contact and somehow my eyes find the rest of the class. They all seem worried and confused.

"It's nothing for you all to worry about."

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