35. Eri's birthday.

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Today's date is the 21st of December. Know what that means? It's Eri her birthday! Unfortunately, I had to attend classes before I can give her my gifts but I have Mustard watching her. Actually, I send him to the zoo with her. She always wanted to go there after all. He better make sure that she has a good time...

After what feels like forever classes finally end. Though before any of us can leave, the door slams open, revealing Mustard with Eri on his shoulders. Both have huge grins on their faces and I can't suppress the small smile forming on my own. It's contagious, okay! I don't seem to be the only one as Deku also smiles at them.

Both me and the piece of broccoli make our way over to them and Eri immediately starts rambling about the animals she saw. Mustard helps her down to the ground while smiling at her like a big brother would. Full of affection.

"There were these huge bears and I wanted to hug them but Mustard wouldn't let me." She pouts and crosses her arms.

Mustard sighs and rubs his temple.

"Eri, they don't want to hug you. They could seriously hurt you."

"I would have learned that the hard way..."

"Now now, instead of being childish about that one thing, why won't you think about all the good moments you spend there? Mustard is just very protective of you, Eri. Now tell me honestly, can you be a mad at him for caring?"

She lowers her arms to the side and look down at the ground before shaking her head.

"No... he bought me ice cream and we had a lot of fun..." She looks up at him with a small smile. "Sorry, Mustard... and thank you for today."

The boy kneels down to her level and ruffles her hair slightly. "That's what family does, right?"

"Family? You're part of my family?!"

Mustard quickly looks up at me and I nod at him. He grins before looking at Eri again and smoothly putting her back on his shoulders.

"Of course, we are family! I promised to protect you after all."

Eri cheers and laughs when he softly bounces, making her bounce as well.

"Oh, the sweet youth..."

Aizawa snorts from behind me and raises an eyebrow at me when I turn to look at him. "What?"

"Sweet youth? What are you supposed to be then?"

"You know what I mean, Dadzawa."

He chuckles and leaves the classroom while giving me a soft pet on the shoulders.

"Enjoy it while it lasts."

I simply roll my eyes at him.


Katsuki made a special dinner for our little girl and she happily ate it with everyone. Everyone includes the Big Three, 1-A, some of the teachers and surprise, surprise, Mustard. Mustard is the only one given free access to U.A. since Nezu seems to like the kid. Besides that, Aizawa told him how much Eri likes him as well. That earned him a visitor pass to enter the schoolground without the alarm system going off.

Eri just finished her piece of cake that Kat also baked for her and she was slightly bouncing in her chair. Sugar sure kicks in quickly with her... damn.

Izuku shoots from his chair and raises his arms in the air. "Presents!"

Eri cheers and gets off her chair, making her way to the couches and we all follow after her. Everybody hands her their presents except for me and Mustard. We didn't have anything to actually give her. Seeing as we aren't making any money yet and our budget is pretty low at the moment. That doesn't mean that I don't have anything for her, though. Him and I put our money together to pay for their tickets for the zoo. That was the first part of my presents for her and his only one. Though he actually took her there and he is still a kid so it's fine.

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