Part #17

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"Umm excuse me what did you just say to me"?
I leaned in whispered in her ear "can we talk"? "Somewhere private"? I asked her. "Surely" she responded "follow me I've got just the place" she said. She lead the way, I followed. 👀 Once I was done speaking with the teacher, and almost having a complete meltdown in that office, we agreed on not allowing anyone besides myself to pick the kids up from school, so that was a relief  😩 but I was still stressing. I made it to my car started scrambling around for my phone, moving to fast it slips from my hands and falls under the steering wheel, I reach down to receive it and in the process of moving to damn fast I hit my head on the damn steering wheel 😤 I was a mess and the only person I could think of to call was BIG SIS. Once the phone was in my hand, I dialed her number. (Ring) ........ no answer ! 😓 FUCK

I leave the school and head to the police station, fuck this I'm not about to sit around and not do shit! How did he know where I was? Where my kids went to school!? And where we lived! I was sickkkk 😶 I arrive at the police station and as soon as I arrive my phone rings, caller ID reads (BIG SIS)
I answer.
"You need to get you brother"!!!!
I say, as soon as I heard her ass breath into the receiver I started yelling!
"Girl slow your ass down"!!

"He's out BITCH, that's what happened"!
This nigga done found my ass girl, he done called up to the kids school, left a note on my car, and I honest to god feel like he may even be following me, I just don't know, I'm scared.
"Get your things, get your kids, and you guys can drive out here to Minneapolis, I just found a new place, and you and the kids will be safe here until you figure things out"
"Sayless, we coming stay by the phone please"?
"Where you at now"?! She asked
"I had just arrived to the police station I want to file a report against his ass! Stalking, threatening shit SOMETHING"!
"Girl just bring your ass here, you shouldn't be by yourself with those kids if his ass is just out and about", "Get the kids come down here with me, and we will head back that way together, ok"?
I sigh 😩 look over at the police station, look back at my phone and say,
"Fine, I'm going to head back to the school get the kids, and just come straight there" 😞

I arrive back at the school not even 45 mins later and head inside and straight to my daughters classroom, she runs right up to me 🖤 "Hey mommy"!
"Hey baby"🖤

I tell her teacher I'm taking the kids out early, of course she understood, seeing that we had just spoken a little while ago. I head down to my sons classroom to retrieve him as well, I head inside, daughter close by. As soon as we enter there's kids playing, eating snacks, having group🖤 I'm looking around for my son, but I don't see him. I walk up to his teacher and explain to her the same thing I had just explained to my daughters teacher she understood and replied "understandable, he had to use the restroom but a young lady had to use the one inside the classroom, so he had to use the one that's right outside the classroom door", "he's been in there for awhile though, let me go see what's taking him so long" she walked away, I walked to his cubby to retrieve his jacket and the teacher rushes back into the classroom yelling

"I can't find him" 😳😳😳😤

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