Chapter Two

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Kai's POV

As I fixed the tie I was wearing my hands kept shaking as I couldn't get it situated getting frustrated. In just a half an hour I was going to marry the love of my life. The woman who changed my black heart and turned my life around for the better. Without Kyung Mi, I wouldn't be the person I am today. She's my everything, my whole world my other half that keeps me going. If Kyung Mi wasn't in my life I probably wouldn't be here today. But when she stumbled into my life I knew there was no going back once I set my eyes on her. It was in that moment that our hearts were forever connected.

I looked through the mirror to see Suho standing beside me a smile coming to his face. "Chanyeol would be so happy for you right now. I probably shouldn't be telling you this on your big day, but I feel like you need to know. In the letter I got before he passed away, he told me that I was going to be your protector and I promised him I would. He also wanted me to tell you that he knew that Kyung Mi was the right girl for you and that he knew one day you would ask for her hand in marriage. He would want you to be happy and for you to forgive yourself for what happened. By the way I heard that Kyung Mi is ready so go get your bride to be and have fun". Suho said as he patted me on the back.

Sadness filled my heart as I knew that Chanyeol wouldn't be here on this big day to support me. But I knew he was watching over us. I closed the door behind me as I walked down the long hallway that leads to the alter. Sitting in the front row was my friends looking back at me with encouraging smiles. Baekhyun flashed his thumbs causing me to shake my head. While I stood waiting for Kyung Mi, I couldn't help but to become nervous as we waited for her to arrive.

In just mere minutes I will be marrying her and we'll be starting our new lives and a family. I looked forward to spending forever with her and just keeping her happy which she deserves. I tucked my hands in my pants pockets feeling them sweat with nerves. My heart was racing wildly in my chest when the wooden doors opened revealing Kyung Mi in her beautiful white dress. Man did she look beautiful.

. . .

Kyung Mi's POV

I linked arms with my brother as he stood beside me. "Hey, relax you got this Kyung Mi". Jae reassured me as we stood in front of the wooden doors. I looked up at him as he flashed me his famous smile. "Easier for you to say. When you get married you'll feel exactly how I feel. How in the world do you even walk in these damn heels?" I said as I readjusted the straps. They were already leaving red marks. "Don't worry big sis I won't let you fall. If you fall I'll catch you. Remember to just be yourself and pretend that it's just you and Kai in the room. I heard it helps with wedding jitters".

"Since when did my younger brother get so wise?" I teased pinching his cheek. He looked down at me his face suddenly going serious. Something that I hadn't seen much from him considering Jae was always pranking people. "Since the moment dad went psycho. Anyway forget what I said about dad. Today is your day. Smile sis it's your big day and the ceremony is about to start".

No longer my brother spoke those words the wooden doors opened to reveal our friends and family. As I look down the white carpeted runner that was covered in red rose petals, my eyes suddenly met Kai's my breath catching in my throat. There standing at the alter in his black tux was my soon to be husband. The tux fitted him perfectly it being tailored to his body just right. My heart fluttered rapidly as I got closer to Kai. Suddenly I felt Jae let go of my arm realizing that we made it to the alter.

Standing in front of me was Kai a smile on his face as he looked at my dress. Taking my hand in his he guided me closer to him. "You look absolutely beautiful in that dress Kyung Mi". Kai said as we made eye contact. "And you Kim Kai look handsome in your tux". I said looking into his chocolate brown eyes.

The ceremony was just how I imagined it. All of our friends were here supporting us on our big day. Everything was just right with nothing out of place. Kai held tightly onto my hands our gazes never leaving each other's.

"From this day onward, I give you all of me including my heart. I promise that I will always walk with you hand in hand wherever our life journey takes us. Through thick and thin I'll always be there for you both mentally and physically. I'll be beside you through the good times and not so good times so you don't have to wonder this world alone. Together we'll learn to get through the hard times. We'll love each other and live the life we had always dreamt about over the years. I'll continue to love you forever until my heart stops beating to death do us part". Kai says as he said his vows looking directly at me. Tears burned my eyes as his vows touched my heart.

I held tightly onto his hand as I began my vows building the confidence as he held my hand tighter.

"I promise to love and care for you. To cherish you for as long as I live. I will always be honest with you and understand you. I'll love you with all my being as long as I am alive. With my heart I take you for who you are with your strengths and faults. From this day forward I promise you Kai, that I will always be faithful to you and support you in all your dreams you desire. I will walk beside you until my heart is no longer beating". Once I said my vows I knew this moment was one I would never forget as my soulmate stands before me our hearts forever connected.

We both put the rings on our fingers my heart racing faster than it ever had before in my life.

"Kyung Mi, fo you take this man to be your husband?" The minister asked. I looked back at Kai as he awaited for my answer, the one I been wanting to say my whole life. "I do". I say as Kai smiles back at me. "Do you Kai take this woman to be your wife?" The minister asked. The look in Kai's eyes gave the answer as his eyes shined brighter than they ever have. "I do". Kai spoke looking down at me, the butterflies in my stomach fluttering to life. "I announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride". The minister said closing his book.

Kai leans closer a smile coming to his face. "I been waiting my whole life for this moment. And I'm officially happy to call you my wife Mrs. Kim". We both lean in our lips connecting as it was our first kiss as husband and wife.

That concludes the end of chapter two of Blue Heart. So they are officially married. What was your favorite part? I want to thank everyone who has read this book and supported it. It truly means a lot. What do you think will happen next? Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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