Chapter Twelve

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Kyung Mi's POV

As I picked up the pen my hands began to shake as I continued writing the letter. I wiped at the tears that had fallen on the paper but they wouldn't stop falling. One after the other they fell one by one. I didn't know if or when I would ever see Kai again, but I knew somehow I would find my way back to him. Until the end of time I would search the end of the earth for him. He was my home, my shelter one I didn't want to walk away from his love. He sheltered me from the things that harmed me. But this very well could be the end of us.

I folded up the paper sliding it over towards the person in black. They stood up from the barstool snatching the letter instantly. "There it's done". I said staring down the person. "Why are you doing this to Kai? To us? Hasn't his strength to keep moving forward ever taught you anything?" I asked as my tears still began to fall.

"His willpower to live is what got him into this mess in the first place. His family's and your mothers deaths was just a minor inconvenience. Being an orphan at a young age was just part of his story. This now is just his beginnings. As for you, you're just the bait. There's more to the story to be unraveled, things you haven't heard yet. And what more than to hear it from your beloved husband".

I looked up at the person confused. What was to be unraveled? And what did Kai not tell me? "What are you talking about? What does Kai know that he hasn't told me?" I asked feeling scared as to what it could be. "Guess you'll have to find out soon. Sit tight I have to deliver this". I watched as the person bound my hands together before leaving the room.

I curled into the chair letting out the cries of frustration I had been holding. More than anything right now I just wanted to see if Kai was okay and unharmed. It was my fault that he was unsafe. "I'm so sorry Kai. What did I just do?" I cried out. Please find a way to forgive me. Was the last thought I had before my world faded to darkness.

. . .

Felix's POV

I was taking my usual morning stroll clearing my head. Everything has gone down hill so quickly since our escape and to make it worse my best friends brother's wife just got kidnapped. I knew for a fact that it couldn't be her father. It had to be the mastermind of it all. Mr. So was just the puppet. I pulled out my phone listening to Kyung Mi's conversation with the mastermind trying to unmask the voice.

As I zoomed in more of the unknown number's location my eyes grew wide. No way could it be them. There was no way possible. "No, I have to tell them". I took off running the opposite direction hoping to catch the guys before they left for the hospital. I dodged past some couples earning a few curse words but I didn't care. The real culprit has been under our noses the entire time.

When I rounded the corner of the apartment complex I seen someone dressed in black standing there. I was about to fight him when he spoke. "I'm not here to fight. I'm here to deliver a message". Hesitantly I took the note before the guy disappeared.

My heart pounded at what the message could say. I just hope it wasn't what I thought it was.

I barged through the door not caring if I woke the neighbors. "Guys there's a message!" I yelled from the living room. Everyone came running into the living room a panicked look on their faces. Chanyeol was last to come in as he hobbled on his ankle. "W-What message?" Xiumin asked breaking the intense silence. I held the paper up for them to see as evidence.

"A guy dressed in black handed it to me. There's more but I'll tell you after you read the message". I handed it over to Suho as he took the letter with shaky hands. As Suho read the letter there wasn't a dry tear in the room. "This is going to break him. Who would make her write something like this?" Suho spoke as he set the letter down.

"While I went for a stroll I had decided to try and decode that number while I listened to her conversation in the hospital. I uncovered the real culprit as this person has been under our noses the entire time. At this very moment the mastermind is officially unmasked. But we have a major problem. Someone in this very room is related to the culprit". Everyone looked at one another confused.

"Are. . . Are you saying that one of us is a relation to the culprit?" Lay asked going ghostly white. I nodded closing my eyes. "T-Then which one of us is it?" Chen hesitantly asked. I met their faces feeling sick that I had to be the person to break it. "C-Chanyeol". I barely got out as I could barely look at him.

The room went in utter silence as everyone was frozen. "What? No my parents wouldn't do this. They practically raised him. No, they couldn't do this". Chanyeol spoke as he stood up from his spot. I gave him a sympathetic smile feeling terrible for my friend. "It's not your father. It's your mothers doing . . . all of it. She's the mastermind to all of this. From what happened to Kai as a child was all her till now. Even with what happened to Kyung Mi when young. Mr. So is just the puppet. I can't figure out that connection yet, but I will. I was able to tap into her text messages and it's true she is the mastermind who planned all this. It appears that your father doesn't know about this. Your mother was the one who kidnapped Kyung Mi". I spoke what I knew.

Chanyeol angrily shook his head as he ripped at his hair. "Kai, is going to hate me even Kyung Mi. I tore his life apart. I will get those answers and find out if my mom really did all this. Excuse me for a bit". Chanyeol limped towards his room before slamming his door shut.

"Who's going to deliver this to Kai?" Sehun asked picking up the letter examining it. Suho stood up from his seat before grabbing the letter. "I'll tell him. In the meantime keep an eye on Chanyeol and try to find leads where Kyung Mi is being held. There's a chance that Mrs. Park is with her. I'll be back soon". Suho said before heading out the apartment.

. . .

Kai's POV

When I came to I was expecting Kyung Mi to be by my side but she was nowhere in sight. Worry filled my heart as my hand touched empty air. All I could hear was the annoying sound of the heart monitor. When I looked around the room I was all alone. Where were they? Why isn't anyone here? I thought as I hoped someone had just left for something. Everything seemed eerie quiet which worried me. I knew I had heard Kyung Mi's voice earlier. Or was I dreaming it up?

The door opened revealing Suho. Worry coursed through my veins as I seen how bad he looked. "Suho, where is everyone?" I asked sitting up getting a better look at him. Suho sat down on the bed not saying anything. I waved my hand in front of his face startling him. "Oh, right how are you feeling?" He asked his voice shaky. I looked at him with worry. Something wasn't right. "I'd feel better if I wasn't worried about you. Where's Kyung Mi?" I asked the question I been wanting to ask.

"Kyung Mi left this for you". He stated his tone once again shaky. "Suho what's going on?" I asked my voice stronger. "I'm so sorry Kai. Just read it please". I stared at him as he took something out of his pocket revealing a note. Hesitantly I took it with shaky hands.

Dear Kai,

I'm so sorry to be writing this to you at this time. But for now I need some space. . . Some time alone. When you get home you won't be seeing me. With help of a friend I will be staying with them. So please don't go and look for me. Don't contact me because I won't answer. For now this is farewell. I hope you find a way to forgive me for this.

Sincerely, Kyung Mi

That concludes the end of chapter twelve of Blue Heart. The mastermind has been unmasked!!! Did anyone guess that it was Mrs. Park? I want to thank everyone who has read and supported this story. Thank you all so much. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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