Chapter Eleven

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Suho's POV

"S-Something just happened to Kyung Mi. I think she was just kidnapped". Chen said as he paced back and forth. "Wait what do you mean something just happened to her?" I asked. "She called and I heard scuffling noises and she sounded frightened when she spoke to the person. I believe this person done something to her. We need to get to Kai's room now. I also recorded the conversation so maybe we can track the number". I grabbed onto Chen's arm stopping him. "What if the person is still in there? Then Kai is also unsafe". I stated. "We don't have much time. Kai can't protect himself and Kyung Mi is in danger. Come on". Chen said as we ran towards Kai's room.

Kai's door was slightly ajar which worried us. "I'll go in first. If there is someone in there stay on your guard. We can't let this happen again". I stated as I walked into his room not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Kai was still asleep but there was no sign of Kyung Mi. Everyone entered the room looking around. "Let's talk outside". I said guiding everyone out.

I ran a hand through my hair. "Chen's right she was taken, but by whom I don't know. Kai is unharmed but we need to decode that phone call. Since Kai is sick we shouldn't tell him at the moment. I know it's risky but he needs to focus on resting. What matters now is finding Kyung Mi and getting her back safely. For now I'll take over guarding Kai for the night. And I'll look around the room for clues. You Guys go to the apartment and try to decode the call and that voice. We don't have much time".

"Kai is going to find out sometime. How are we going to keep this from him? This is his wife we're talking about. We'll look into and keep you posted. When Chanyeol is awake we'll tell him everything. Maybe he will know or have a clue as to what happened. I hate that we're not telling Kai. He has every right". Lay said as he looked at all of us. "It's for his own good at the moment. When he is more coherent we will talk to him. I don't like it either, but if he finds out now Kai won't stop looking for that person resulting in him getting more sick. For now just watch your backs. We could be targets as well".

"What are you wrapped up into Chen? What haven't you been telling me". Hana asked looking at Chen her expression unreadable. Chen looked over at her guilt crossing his features. "I'll tell you later, but as of now we need to find clues". Chen said as he looked between us.

. . .

Kyung Mi's POV

When I came to my senses l was unaware of where I was nor why I was tied up. I tried breaking free, but the restraints were stronger as I tugged harder. I could feel the restraints rubbing sores as I tried breaking free but it was useless. I could still feel the drug in my system making me feel a little drowsy. I knew I had to get out of here somehow but I wasn't sure where I was or how I could be free of these restraints. I was trapped in this unknown place with my kidnapper.

The door to the room opened revealing my kidnapper who was still dressed in all black attire. "Sleeping beauty is finally awake. I see the drug still has effect on you". The person smirked kneeling in front of me. "What did you do to me? Where's Kai? If you so even touch him I'll be the least of your worries". Anger coursed through me as the person leaned closer.

"Don't worry he's safe for now. As for you I just gave you something to keep you calm. But it appears it didn't work. I need you to do me a favor. If you don't cooperate there will be consequences. You are to write a note to Kai stating that you could no longer take the married life and that you're on a break. You can't say where your whereabouts are because if you do there will be consequences on both ends. I'll be sure to read it and send it off. Don't pull anything Kyung Mi or else there is going to be consequences for both of you. Think about what you're going to write". I watched as the person walked away feeling my blood boiling in my veins.

The person came back with a pen and paper throwing it in front of me. "You can write what you want, but I'll warn you again don't tell where you're at. There will be major consequences of your actions".

"What do you want from us or more importantly why are you doing this?" In asked looking up at the person. "That I can't tell but you're soon to find out. But first I need that letter". The person said pointing at the paper. I looked down at the paper then to my hands. "Do you mind untying me first?" I asked bringing my arms up. The person in black hesitated before bringing a knife out causing me to flinch. The person in black laughed before kneeling in front of me once more.

"Afraid of a little knife I see. If I cut you loose you are to not try anything. Otherwise you will see how it works". I watched as the person cut the rope feeling the restraints loosen tremendously. I rubbed at my wrists seeing the red marks that left sores there.

"Get to writing we're on a time crunch". The person stood up leaning against the desk. The person in black set the knife on the table relief washing over me for now. My heart raced as I looked at the pen and paper. Who was this person and what did they want? I thought this whole ordeal was over. Kai was right it was a never ending cycle.

My hands shook as I picked up the pen. I needed to keep my strength through this and be strong for Kai, be strong for the both of us. I will find my way back to him no matter what it takes.

I took a deep breath as I began to write.

That concludes the end of chapter eleven of Blue Heart. What was your favorite part? Who do you think the real culprit is? Any guesses? I want to thank everyone for reading and supporting this book. I hope you all are enjoying it. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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