Chapter Fourteen

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Kai's POV

"D.O!" We all shouted as he fell. Lay ran to his aid checking him over. Our hearts stopped when Lay glanced our way. "The bullet just grazed him which he probably passed out from shock. D.O should be fine, but the hospital can determine more on treating him". Lay carried him with the help of Baekhyun. "Come on let's go to the hospital". I said as we continued to walk through the haze of dust.

I looked over at Chen who looked on worriedly at Kyung Mi. "I-Is she going to be okay?" Chen asked his voice quiet. I glanced down at Kyung Mi my heart clinching in fear at her sleeping form. "I'm not sure. But we need to be strong for her". I said as we made it to the van.

Chanyeol who was standing outside the van opened the door for us. "What the hell happened?" Chanyeol asked looking at Kyung Mi then to D.O. "Just get to the hospital. D.O should be fine the bullet just grazed him, but needs further treatment". My voice shook as I wasn't certain of anything. "What about Kyung Mi?" Chanyeol asked looking down at her. I looked down at her fighting back the tears. "I'm not sure Chanyeol. Please just get to the nearest hospital". I looked up at my brother before he nodded. He shut the door behind him before we took off.

. . .

I watched as they took her away feeling my knees feeling weak. Both Chanyeol and Xiumin guided me to sit, but I didn't want to. All I could think about was not being able to protect my brother and my wife. It was all my fault that they were injured or sick.

"Kai, I'm so sorry that my mom was the one who caused all this. If I had any idea I would have made you go to a different home. I'm so sorry for everything. You don't have to forgive me, but I want you to know that you're still my brother". I could hear  the sincerity in his tone and I knew I couldn't be mad at him because he himself didn't know until a bit ago.

I gave him a small smile reassuring him. "It wasn't you who caused this Chanyeol. You didn't know that your mom was the mastermind. If it weren't for you we wouldn't have found Kyung Mi. So I thank you for that. You're not to blame. Your mom will get what's coming to her". I was determined to make sure that she got what she deserved and to be locked away.

Chanyeol sighed before sitting beside me. I knew he was still blaming himself for all of this and there was no way I could even be mad at him. "I'll make sure to track my mom down and confront her myself. I want to make sure that you and Kyung Mi are safe".

"But she thinks you're dead. You can't just appear out of nowhere. She watched you get killed and then buried you. Do you know how many emotions your mom is going to be going through?" I asked glancing over at him. He ran a hand through his hair before nodding. "Only it wasn't my body. But someone has to stop her. She's put you and Kyung Mi through so much that she's ruined your lives since young. Don't you want this to end? Because I know I do. I'm worried for you Kai". Chanyeol reasoned. "Both of your lives weren't meant to be this way".

A sigh passed my lips as I knew our lives were in danger. But how can we move on from this together? "Kyung Mi and I will have to figure it out. In the meantime you must lie low. If your mother knows you're alive who knows what she'll do". I tried to reason with Chanyeol, but knowing his stubborn side he wouldn't listen to me.

. . .

I was happy that both D.O and Kyung Mi were going to be alright. D.O was awake from what I was told. Kyung Mi was unharmed which relieved my stress level down but I worried at how tired she was. But deep down I knew that her and I were going to make it out of this okay. I promised her that when I said I do I would protect her. And that promise was for life.

I held her hand in mine as she drifted awake. "Hey, you're awake". I whispered squeezing her hand tighter. She looked over at me as her eyes settled upon me. "Mrs. Park is the culprit Kai. You're not safe once she finds you. I'm not sure why she didn't harm me. She forced me into breaking up with you through a letter. I'm so sorry Kai. You know I wouldn't leave you. I love you so much Kai". I wiped her tears away enveloping her in my arms.

"Hey, don't cry. You're safe. I know she's the real culprit.  We put our beards together and figured it out; we had also found your hidden message. Felix was the one to find your location since he looked up Mrs. Park's location on his phone. I knew the moment I received the letter I knew it wasn't really you who wrote it. I'm so sorry that I couldn't get to you sooner. I'm just glad you're okay. I love you Kim Kyung Mi". I leaned in and pressed her lips on mine feeling the urgency in the kiss. She deepened the kiss pulling on my hair pulling me closer. Kyung Mi pulled apart breaking the kiss. "I'm sorry Kai, but there's more to this that I need to say. To move on from this there's another truth. Apparently you're the one who has the key to it".

I glanced down at her confused. "What are you talking about? I have the key to what?" I was genuinely confused as to what she was talking about. Kyung Mi but her lip looking at our conjoined hands. "She said there's another truth to all of this and you're supposed to tell me. So what is it Kai? Mrs. Park stated that there is more to this. What else is there?" Kyung Mi asked her voice small.

"I. . . I don't know what you're talking about. When I was younger I was in an accident where I lost some memories. But two years ago I got them back. There's nothing else that I can think of. I honestly don't know Kyung Mi". I doubted my memory trying to think back to everything but nothing new came to mind.

. . .

Both Kyung Mi and I slept in the same hospital bed, her wrapped tightly in my arms. I lied awake as she peacefully slept beside me. I wouldn't let anything else happen to her. I stared at the ceiling trying to pick around in my mind trying to think of anything that was new or anything that sparked something that I forgot but again my mind was blank.

What had Mrs. Park told her? Does Kyung Mi know something that I don't? What else had I done that I have no recollection of?

That concludes the end of chapter fourteen of Blue Heart. What was your favorite part? What do you think will happen next? I want to thank everyone who has read this book and supported it. It truly means a lot thank you. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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