Two men are walking by a restaurant and one of them says, "That smells amazing! Lets get something."
The other man replies, "But they don't let dogs in, what are we going to do with them."
The first man puts on a pair of sunglasses and has his friend do the same and says, "Follow my lead."
He starts to walk into the restaurant and the waiter stops him, "You cannot bring dogs in here sir."
The man gets offended, "Excuse me sir! This is my seeing eye dog, I am blind."
The waiter questions this, "But your dog is a pit bull?"
The man replies, "I know, I am a very important person, I need protection as well."
The first man passes through and the second man begins to walk through when the waiter stops him and asks him the same question. The man replies, "This is my seeing eye dog too."
The waiter replies, "Really? A chihuahua?"
The man freaks out, "What?! They gave me a chihuahua?!"
take a joke
Humorthis book is made to give you a laugh inside and out. on a bad day sad day happy day even a busy or boring day... if this makes you feel better or laugh comment if you want hah I dont really mind if you dont.. take your mind off life and read if you...