Birthday Baby

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"Happy Birthday Dear Harry, Happy Birthday to you!" The drunken voices sing around the long table.

Harry leans forward and blows out the candles, turning over to look at y/n with a smirk.

"Thank you for the birthday surprise baby."

Y/n gives Harry a bright smile and leans in to peck his lips. She watched as Harry stood up and made his rounds as the waiter started cutting the cake for all of Harry's friends and family. Y/n helped pass around the cake slices and she herself took one to go eat outside. The room became stuffy and it bothered her more since she wasn't drinking, being the designated driver for most of their friends.

Y/n sat in silence thinking about Harry. They were both so happy with their relationship and how it was steady. Y/n had just gotten promoted to project manager at her construction job which was getting more recognition as she was dating the worlds biggest sweetheart. This year y/n will be able to travel and check out the sites and do what she really loved which was numbers and drawing up plans.

Harry had just been nominated for his first Grammy and he was very enthusiastic the day he found out. Even took y/n out to celebrate with some wining and dining on a private yacht. He planned to release his next album in a year or two as he just wanted to spend his time with his girlfriend of 4 years.

Y/n smiled at the thought of Harry and blushed a bit when she thought about the yacht. She stuffed her face with the last bit of cake and set the plate to the side of the bench, where she had been sitting and continued to stare at the dark sky filled with stars.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She heard her favorite voice since the year 2015. She turned her head to the side looking at Harry who was wearing a sloppy smile. He sat next to her and draped his coat on her shoulders.

"I was blessed." Was all she said before she kissed him. She tasted the tequila and light mint from the leafs that he chews on that are meant for decoration in the glass. He kissed her back with an equal amount of passion as her lips started to sober him up.

He felt her pull away and he smiled down at her. "I was too." He said pecking her lips again. They kept staring at each other's eyes communicating in their own way about how much they loved each other.

"Marry me." He whispered tugging her closer by the hips. He knew y/n didn't like flashy things or making a big deal so he figured simply asking her on a cozy night would do it.

Y/n closed her eyes and smiled, a tear slipping past her lashes. "Okay." She giggled and sniffed into his chest, embracing him in a tight hug. He kissed her head and hugged her back as he pulled out the ring box from the coat that was on her. He tapped her thigh so she could look up and leaned down to kiss the lips of his fiancée.

"I got you a little something."

 She smiled taking the ring and slipping it on her special finger

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She smiled taking the ring and slipping it on her special finger. She stood up with Harry and wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a big kiss.

There was no doubt these two were made for each other. Everyone saw that in them and they all had nothing but well wishes for their relationship. The two lovers headed back inside and broke the news to everyone.

Harry's and y/n's mom were the first to congratulate them and then it was their friends. Y/n couldn't have been any happier with the way the night turned out for them. Harry couldn't be any more excited about his future with y/n and he started counting down the days until she became his wife.

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